Chapter 2

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    A bit later, Sora decides to go outside. She walks around for a bit before meeting her friend down the block.
'Yasu!" she calls out.
"Sora!" they reply. They run towards each other and meet on the sidewalk. They walk together to the lot behind their school, their usual meeting spot. As always there are a few lone trees around the outside and a few dusty tables and benches. They sit at their usual table, the red one near the exit of the school.
"Ugh, I stepped on something kind of pointy this morning and my foot still hurts.
Kill me." Sora complains. Yasu giggles for a second, and then thinks.
"That's kinda weird. Pretty much the same thing happened to me this morning too! What if this is like, fate? Like we're both destined to go on some bizarre adventure now because both of our feet hurt?" Yasu says. They both burst into laughter. Like that would ever happen! For all they knew, both of them would end up as some nobodies who stay put in their little town forever and never achieved anything in life.
    They decided to sit and chat for a while, but soon they started to feel a bit bored. Sora felt that something was wrong, and Yasu felt a bit off as well.
"Hey, Sora, I'm getting kind of bored why don't we-" Yasu began to speak, but was cut off by Sora's shushing. She thought she heard something from within the school. It sounded like people talking. She could recognize a few of her teachers, though she didn't know who the other voices belonged to.
"Yasu... did you hear something?" Sora asked. They both paused for a moment.
"I... think I do hear something. Is that..." Yasu paused. The voices sounded familiar, but they couldn't identify them.
"Why don't we go inside and see what's going on?" Sora asked. Yasu nodded.
After they managed to sneak through the door to the school, they figured out that the noise was coming from the gym. A bunch of teachers and school board members were gathered, as was someone else- the man at the front. He had black hair, black pants, and a shirt with a faded "R" shaped logo on it. He seemed to be explaining something to them.
"I know we shouldn't be here but... I'm mildly curious what's going on in there." Yasu said. Sora agreed. She thought maybe they should go home, but her curiosity overpowered any doubt she had about what would happen next.
"Let's get closer then." She proposed. Yasu shuddered, and reluctantly followed Sora.
    They ended up right behind the door to the gym. The man indeed was explaining something to the teachers and the school board.
"Do any of you have any questions?" The man asked. Many of the audience members raised their hands, including some of Sora and Yasu's teachers.
"Yes, you there, in the blue shirt." He was pointing to Sora's biology teacher.
"So about these powers- or stands as you called them. How exactly are these going to help us teachers?" The teacher asked. The man had barely begun speaking again when suddenly the door Sora was hiding behind creaked. He and everyone else in the room turned around and saw Sora. She gasped.
    The man looked very angry, and something was glowing behind him. It looked vaguely human-shaped, though Sora couldn't figure out who- or what- it was. The figure began moving towards Sora. Right before it would have reached her, a figure appeared in front of Sora as well. The figure had short pink hair and glasses. The two figures began fighting. The pink-haired figure glanced back at Sora for a moment.
"SORAAAA! WATCH OUT!" It screamed. Right after that, she passed out on the floor.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2021 ⏰

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