Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Our story begins on February 2nd in the year 2003, in a little town just outside of Morioh. It is still cold outside, with a bit of fresh snow dusting the sidewalks and roofs of buildings. There are children outside bundled up in their little coats, with the occasional hat or gloves. The sun can be seen clearly with few clouds in sight. Many are still waking up, but today already feels like a pleasant day.

Sora Hayashi woke up at the sound of her alarm, feeling a bit strange. She turned off her alarm, then sat down and thought for a moment. She wasn't feeling bad exactly, but something seemed a bit... off. She pushed it aside and began to get ready for the day. Thankfully today was the weekend, so she decided to simply relax for a little while.

A little while later, her mother informed her that breakfast was ready. Sora was starving, so she tried to run down the stairs to the kitchen as fast as she could. On her way, she tripped over something. It appeared to be a strange-looking... something. Ah well, she thought. This seems a bit bizarre, but I might as well just ignore it. She got back up and rushed down the stairs. Any pain still there from the fall left her as soon as she saw those delicious-looking waffles. She sat down at the table and grabbed a ginormous stack.
"Did you sleep well, sweetie?" her mother asked.
"Sure did!" she responded, her voice muffled from the waffles in her mouth.
Her mother smiled. Even though Sora felt strange, she couldn't help but smile back. Even if she felt a bit strange, Sora could already tell that this would be an extraordinary day.

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