Chapter 4

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Josie was reading on her bed with her earbuds on. She was swaying her head along to a song with no worry in the world before her window suddenly flew open.

Josie looked up from her book to see Hope stumbling into her room.

Josie set down her book and walked over to her, "Hope?"


"How the hell did you get up here and what are you doing here?" Josie whispered.

"You invited me?" She said limping forward. Josie's eyes lowered down to her abdomen where Hope was trying to cover a bloody stain with her hand.

"Oh my god, are you okay?" Josie asked inching closer to Hope.

Hope's voice was now shaky, "Y-Yeah I just . . . need to . . . sit down."

Josie grabbed her hand and took her to her bed before pulling up her shirt to look at the damage. There was a deep cut right below her rib age that was still bleeding.

"You need medical attention."

"I know."

"Then why did you come here?"

"Because you were closer. Besides I'm fine, I just-oh fuck," she winced holding onto her side, "I just need a couple bandages and hydrogen peroxide."

Without another word, Josie got up and went over to her bathroom to grab the first-aid kit. She took out some medical tape, gauzes and peroxide solution.

She ran over to her, then crouched down at eye level, "Take your shirt off."

Hope's lips curled up into a smirk, "Sheesh, why don't you take me out to dinner first?"

Josie ignored her flirtatious comment and poured hydrogen peroxide on a gauze and cleaned up her cut. With care, she placed a the gauze on top of the cut and held it in place while she gathered up some tape with her other hand, "You're lucky it wasn't that deep," Josie told her, "I'm not doctor but as long as we apply pressure the bleeding should stop," she continued before she wrapped the tape around her abdomen to keep the gauze in place. She then pushed on the gauze to apply more pressure.

"Thanks," Hope told her, "You didn't have to do that. I could've-"

"I know but I wanted too."

Hope's lips parted. Josie was starting to make her feel things that she was trying to avoid. But so far she'd been failing. Hope thought she was stronger than this but she was falling for it like she had every other life. The thing about Josie was that she was always so kind and loving in ways Hope wasn't used to receiving. She'd never met anyone that did and said everything with the best intentions. She was pure of heart, something that Hope could never be.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Josie asked, breaking Hope out of her thoughts.

"Sorry, I was just thinking."



"Well," Josie said standing up, "Are you gonna tell me who did that to you or am I gonna have to find out the hard way?"

"Just a rival gang," Hope shrugged, "People like to challenge the new alpha, especially since I'm my fathers daughter, many think they can come into our territory and take everything my dad built here. But they're wrong."

"So did you win?"

"Of course I did," Hope told her, "This isn't my first fight, besides my men had guns. I took the leader on with a switch blade and he had me in the first half but I came back."

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