The Halloween party

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A portal opens in an alleyway and comes out Lucifer and the Hazbin hotel gang

Lucifer:....wait this isn't right....we were supposed to be at a house of an old friend of mine

Charlie:well the portal lead us in an alleyway and *hears music and lots of cheering* and what ever that sound is

They all walked out of the alleyway and comes across a big crowed of people in all ages

Charlie:squeals* don't know what this is but I love it!!

Vaggie:it must be halloween

Angel:damn this place is huge

Husk:how the heck do people not get lost here?! *looks around and tries not to bump into people*

Nifty:its not so bad *eats some candy* at least there's free candy

Lucifer:this town has really changed *remembers his first halloween with her*

Vaggie:where did you even get that Nifty?

Nifty:oh a guy asked me if I wanted candy, he thought I was wearing a costume since lots of people are wearing costumes

Charlie:the surface is so amazing!!

Halloween female worker:caramel apple Ms?
*hands out a tray of sprinkled caramel apples*

Charlie:ooo~ yes please! *takes each one to the rest and eats it* so good!!

The rest eats it and tasted good

Vaggie:lets not get distracted after we found out who was calling me, we will come back here

Charlie:aaww alright

Some halloween music comes up and lots of people dances blocking their way

Charlie:oh no

Husk:great just great

Vaggie:can you use the portal now?

Lucifer:let me check *opens a portal goes through but gets pushed by some un-known wind* ugh can't

Vaggie:how can we get through this?! *both hands points to a huge crowd of dancing people*

Alastor:laughs* oh Vaggie to get through a crowd is by dancing and the right song *disappears in green flames and appears on a stage scaring the people that was playing the instruments*.....opens eyes a bit* * snaps his fingers and all of the lights changes to red and all of the speakers turns off*

It surprised everyone but Lucifer and the Hazbin hotel gang, all of the people starts to think he was a magician and they all clapped in amazement

Vaggie:what is Alastor planing?


Alastor closes his eyes and snaps one last time and all of the speakers plays a different song

Alastor:.......*opens his eyes wide, does an evil smile, summons his staff, voice changes, and starts to sing* A minotaur's my butler, a cyclops my valet, a centaur draws my Chariot that takes me down the way! Through a river made of fire! *summons a line of fire and the crowd of people dodges it scarily making a path for Lucifer and the Hazbin hotel gang* To a streets that's paved with bones, I got a dozen zombie skeletons to walk me to my throne!
In the land of the dead! Heck boy, ain't it grand? I'm the Overlord in the underworld! Cause I hold horrors hand. In the land of the dead! *jumps off the stage and lands kneeling down* I'm darkside royalty *gets up* I'm far renouned in the underground and you can't take that from me......*his shadow minions comes* whoah!

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