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After hours of walking, they come across a house

Lucifer:this should be the place, just hope he is still here *walks ahead and knocks on the door and no one answered*......*opens the door and it was unlocked* huh? *pulls the door open and sees a rope on the door knob on in the inside* whats this for? *opens the door a bit wider and the rope leads to a gun and the rope starts the gun and shoots but every one dodges*

Angel:ok apparently this "friend" is really not welcoming

Charlie:that was close

Lucifer:burns the rope and walks in* Canow! *looks around*

Vaggie:lets split up we are bound to find someone

Charlie:perfect! you and Alastor search together. Me with daddy. Angel with Husk and Nifty

Vaggie:alright? *goes with Alastor*

Every one searched the place

Angel: what does this guy even look like?

Husk:hell if I know, this guy is even crazy enough to be friends with the king of hell

Nifty:and this place is really musty, good thing I never leave the hotel without my cleaning supplies *starts to clean the place*

Angel:this place is even dark as hell *hears creaking sounds* can you guys stop making sounds?

Husk:uh that wasn't us

Nifty:still cleaning ignoring them*

Angel:well it sounded close

All three of them steps on a rope and gets trapped

Angel:what the-

???:has a gun to Angel's head* who are you and where did you come from!?

Husk:we can't see you, its pitch black here!

???:alright *lights up some candles and the light shows a brown man that has brown mustache, brown beard, and brown hair* what the.... a mutant spider? A cat with wings? some sort of cyclops?!

Same time with Vaggie and Alastor before they were trapped

Alastor:you seem awfully quiet Vaggie

Vaggie:it's just this place its....just so familiar but can't put my finger who lived here *hears Angel,Husk, and Nifty talking to some one and runs to them*

Mean while with Angel, Husk, and Nifty

Angel:excuse me?! Mutant spider?!

Husk:oh boy kill me now

Nifty:no need to be so rude mister!

???:enough talk! *points gun at Angel's head*

Angel:oh boy *gulps*

???:was gonna shoot but a spear points at his face*

Vaggie:stop right there! Tu gran hijo de puta!

???:you- I- why *starts to stutter in anger but then shows a sad face remembering* little moth?

Vaggie:*starts to lower down her spear*grandpa?

???:hugs Vaggie without hesitation and tears up* I thought I wouldn't see my granddaughter again! *tears up*

Vaggie:tears up and hugs him back*

Angel:um hello! still trapped here!

Alastor:cuts the ropes and lets Husk and nifty down and lets Angel fall on his head*

Angel:ow! *gets up and rubs his head* thanks for the soft landing *sarcastic*

Alastor:your welcome

Charlie:runs up stairs with Lucifer* guys what happened?!

Angel:I think we found the guy that we were looking for


Canow:lets go of Vaggie and looks at Lucifer* it's been long Lucifer I see you haven't changed a bit

Charlie:hi I'm Charlie Lucifer's daughter and Vaggie's friend

Canow:it's very nice to meet you Charlie

Angel:so this crazy guy is your grandpa Vaggie?

Vaggie:yea and he is not crazy

Canow:Lo siento (I'm sorry in spanish) I haven't been my self ever since I lost my granddaughter, so what brings all of you here?

Charlie:we are helping Vaggie find the one that was calling her

Canow:I'm not sure about this but I have a feeling that It could be from the snow mountain close by but I wouldn't go there

Charlie:why not?

Canow:even a hunter like me wouldn't go there, there has been hunters disappearing there every time they go to that mountain

Vaggie:well I'm not going to let something like that stop me, I'm going to find out who is calling me

Canow:well then *sighs* I'll join you

Vaggie:are you sure?

Canow:I may be old but I have been making myself stronger ever since you died

Lucifer:might as well, he does know the mountain better then us

Charlie:alright he is in! Lets go! *runs out of the house*

The group follows but Lucifer and Canow doesn't


Canow: is something wrong Lucifer

Lucifer:I'm not fully sure but I think it's....her thats calling Vaggie....

Canow:....well lets wait and see

Vaggie x AlastorWhere stories live. Discover now