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I’m y/n, and this is my story. The story in which I fistfought the face of capitalism himself, the story in which my friends and I vanquished the evil tyranny we all know and are accustomed to accept. I guess it began the day I went to a concert.

It was a warm evening in the fall, and I had tickets to see My Chemical Romance. They were undeniably my favourite band. Gerard, the lead singer, also wrote a few comic books I enjoy. He’s kind of cute too, but that’s not important. I made my way to the entrance of the building, and strangely enough, Gerard stood there to greet the members of the audience.

"Hey sister, how are you doing today?" Gerard said, and flashed a smile in my direction. I couldn't help but smile back at him.

"I'm good! How are you?" I asked.

"Oh I'm great," he said, and took my ticket. He ripped off the end, and handed it back to me. "Have fun at the show, sister," he said and winked. I blushed, and made my way to the mosh pit. Wow! I managed to get front row, this just might be my lucky day.

I waited for people to fill the arena, and after a while, MCR came on stage.

"Hey sisters! How are y'all doing tonight?" The crowd screamed, and Gerard beamed at the crowd. Although, something about him seemed off.. I tried to ignore the feeling, but it was difficult.. at one point during the show I could have sworn that his hair came off, as if it were a wig. Near the end of the show, the lights went off completely. I screamed, what was going on? I felt a rag cover my mouth, and struggled against it. I felt myself lose consciousness and drifted off into a deep slumber.

When I woke up, there was several men staring at me.

"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT?!" I screamed, but one of them shushed me. Upon closer inspection, I realized the man was Jepha Howard from The Used..

"Hey y/n, don't panic," he said, and bared his teeth at me, or should I say fangs..

"Are you a fucking vampire? How cliche. Let me guess, you kidnapped me too?" I said, and he nodded.

"Dude, calm down. We kidnapped you for a good cause," Bert McCracken said and rose from the shadows.

"Legend has it that there is an imposter among us, in this alternative rock scene. This imposter, who we thought was our friend, is trying for world domination. It's up to you, y/n, only you can save us," Jepha said solemnly.

"What? I don't understand-" I said, but Bert cut me off.

"It's you, you are the Wattpad protagonist" he said, and I frowned.

"You are the main character in this life, and you must save us. Please, y/n, we don't have much time. We have to get this done quickly, as the author doesn't want to write much more," Bert continued. I nodded my head, I understood the role I had and why.

"Okay, who is this imposter?" I asked, and Jepha smiled.

"That's it! Okay, good, let's get this started then. The imposter, is Gerard Way."

"WHAT?!" I exclaimed, I couldn't believe my ears.

"Yes, he brought back MCR to sell eyeliner, and that eyeliner is going to be the doom of us all.. he's slowly getting the non-emos too, everyone loves eyeliner," Bert said.

"Who the fuck is writing this shit?" I asked, but Bert shook his head.

"Not important, anyways, go to Warner HQ, and go downstairs, there you should find Gerard. Kill him, bring him to us alive, we don't care," Jepha said, and I nodded. Okay, I got this. They both sent me on my way, and I made my way over to Warner HQ.

"GERARD WAY GET YOUR ASS OUT HERE I NEED TO TALK!" I screamed, and Gerard just, walked out the building.

"Hey sister, what's the matter? Do you have a complaint about the show yesterday?" He asked, and tilted his head to the side ever so slightly.

I didn't answer, instead I just punched him in the face. The texture was, unpleasant, and as I pulled my fist away, his face came off.. but it wasn't a face, it was a mask.

"James Charles?? What the hell are you doing?" I asked, and went to hit him again, but he blocked my punch.

"Ah, I see my plan was revealed," a voice said next to me.

"Uh, who was that?" I asked, rather confused. Okay, first Gerard was actually James Charles, but now there is an invisible person?

"I'm right here idiot," the voice said, and then I noticed a tiny flying bee in the air. Wait, wasn't that the bee who tried to sue the human race?

"Yes, precisely, it it I, Barry B Benson," he said, and before he could make a dramatic long speech the author doesn't want to write, I snatched him out of the air, and crushed him with my hand. Ow, I got the stinger in my palm..

"Oh sister, you freed us!" James said, and grabbed my hand. We went inside, and I saw the real Gerard, stuck in a glass box.

"Oh thank fucking god-" he said, and I kicked the box and it shattered.

"What the fuck was that all about?" I asked James, and he shook his head.

"Something about wanting revenge on humans for not being able to sue them properly, idk. I'm sorry for getting involved with all of this stuff, he forced me too.." James said glumly.

"It's okay, you didn't mean to," Gerard said, and shook some glass shards off of himself.

"GERARD-" a voice said, and someone ran into Gerard's arms. It was Bert. They bro hugged, then pulled away.

"Wait, at what point did you know Gerard was innocent-?" I asked Bert.

"Like, as you found out. I put a camera on your shirt when you were knocked out, sorry.." he said, and reached over and yanked the camera off.

"I think you forgot about someone.. while you were distracted with the whole Barry nonsense, I infiltrated New York City and turned everyone," Jepha said behind me, and I gasped. I turned around, to see the entire population of New York City, all baring their fangs.. Tune in next week to see how y/n stops the vampire apocalypse 🥰😩😻

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