Ascension and the Mysterious Tower

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The Chosen entered the sun. There were 2 large golden figures, and a forcefield type cube that surrounded him. The Dark One. S         I         D. When The Chosen finally gave the Sacred Flames, the forcefield broke, the golden figures disintegrated and Sid was let loose. 

Sid: "Hello Angel's Chosen. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is [unintelligible]."

The Chosen: ...

Sid: "But you can call me Sid." 

Sid: "You probably don't realize what you've just done, but you'll find out soon enough... Have fun ascending."

The Chosen jumped, and phased through the top of the sun, where crystal and otherworldly pieces of land floated. 

The Chosen landed in the hub world. The Chosen was hungry, so he went to Rufus to eat some food. He then talked to the Lorekeeper, who he last saw on the great wall. 

(ridiculously long timeskip brought to you by The Chosen and Sid 1v1ing.)

Later, at the tower beside the start of The Chosen's journey. 

The Chosen (Mind): That took forever.

The Chosen looked up and saw Sid.

Sid and the Chosen: :O

Sid: "Nice to see you again, Angel's Chosen."

Sid: "I hope you had a fun ascension, though wasn't expecting you to collect all of my coins for me... you should be rewarded!!"

Sid: "I have a perfect outfit for a greedy person like you. There! Much better!"

Sid: "Well it's been fun, but I have a new game to make that I'm sure you'll DIE for; keep an eye out for the next few months."

Sid: "Ciao!"

This marked the end of the Chosen's Journey, for now...

The End.

Long live the Sun.

Totally didn't copy-paste Sid's dialogue :)

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