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The weeks went by quickly.

My head was all over the places. I hated Mattia but I still wanted to see what he would say to me, what his excuses are. Ale and Alex never let me out of their sight. Wells was still a little distant with me but our relationship was getting better.

I still felt like I was in witness protection. I was never alone unless I was home in my room. But before school would start Alex would be in the kitchen ready to take me to school.

I always kept my head down at school, I hardly posted on any social media's and lost thousands of followers, it didn't bother me but it would make me a little sad to see the numbers down.

Today I had walked downstairs, expecting to see Alex downstairs waiting for me. Except he wasn't. I searched my entire house to see that no one was home. I went outside to see if Wells had taken the car but it was still sitting in the driveway.

I quickly clicked my phone to see what time it was, 4 in the afternoon. I hadn't slept last night until around 10 am.

I rubbed my eyes and changed into a new sweatshirt and a new pair of athletic shorts that I always tend to sleep in. I slip on some shoes and head to the car, planning to drive around.

I turned on the car and the radio started, the noise made me flinch and plug my ears as I screamed, "GOD FUCK!"

I quickly turned off the radio and waited for the car to be ready to drive.

When it was I pulled out of the driveway and drove out the neighborhood. I quickly glanced down to my gas to see that I was almost empty and I headed towards to the gas station.

I filled my gas and parked in the gas station parking lot and headed inside. I made my way over to the fridge and grabbed myself a Bang.

I went over to the candy area and grabbed a bag of Jolly Ranchers...just for good measure. When I turned around and noticed a girl, maybe a 12 looking over at me and staring. I quickly moved away from her and checked out.

I quickly placed everything in my car when I felt someone tap my shoulder and I turned around. It was the girl from inside, "I'm really sorry to bother you but, would it be to much to ask for a picture?"

I was about to say no when I noticed the smile on her face, she looked genuinely happy to see and meet me, so I spread my lips into a smile, "Yeah, of course. Lemme see your phone."

Her smile spread even wider, if that was possible, and she handed me her phone. I smiled and took a couple photos with her, "Oh my god! Thank you."

"Yeah. Have a nice day."

"You too."

I got into my car and opened my Bang and continued my drive to nowhere.

My brain was foggy as I drove around, no idea where I would end up...until I got there.

I had pulled up into the driveway before I could stop myself. My hands seemed to have a mind of their own as they parked and shut off the engine.

"No. I- I need to go." I tried to convince my body to let me start the car and drive away but I couldn't. So I sat in the driveway, knees to my chest and arms around them, for maybe 20 minutes before I heard a knock on my window.

I shot up and turned to my window, "Skye?"

"Mattia." I breathed out.

His brows were pressed together in confusion as I opened my door, "What are you doing here?"

I tried to come up with a good excuse, I racked my goddamn brain looking for one but couldn't come up with anything. So I said the next best thing, the truth, "I honestly don't know."

"Do you," Mattia glanced at his house, "Do you want to come in?"

"Um..." I looked over at his house and then made eye contact with Mattia, my heart was racing, "Um yeah sure."

I hopped out of my car and shut the door behind me, following Mattia into his house. A house I hadn't been to in months.

Once again my brain fogged and I continued to walk where my muscles remembered walking to, Mattia's room.

I turned around right as I got to the door to crash right into Mattia, his hand grasping my wrist, helping me regain my balance, "You alright?"

"Yeah, sorry. I, um," I let out a quick laugh, "I didn't realize I had walked up her. That's my bad."

Mattia walks past me and into his room, "Well, that's where I was headed to anyways, so I guess it works."

I trailed Mattia back into his room and I look around at the room I had spent so much time in previously.

I wanted to cry.

"Not to be rude but why are you here?" Mattia asked. There wasn't any aggression or anger in his voice, just pure curiosity.

I smiled, "I don't know. I was just driving and ended up here. I guess...I guess I was just thinking about you."

Mattia laughed, "Since when do you think about me? Thought you hated my guts."

I rolled my eyes, "I do. Doesn't mean I still can't think about you."

Mattia glanced at me, our eyes caught each other, Mattia quickly looking away, "Where's the bodyguards? You didn't come here for them to beat me up...right?"

"Can't make any promises, there is a very high chance that they put a tracker on the car." I smiled at him as I sat down on his bed.


I brought up my knees to my chest again as I watched Mattia set something on his dresser before turning around and leaning against his wall, looking at me. Examining. Analyzing.

"That's my sweatshirt."

I looked down and pulled my...his sweatshirt out so I could see it, confirming that it was his, "Oh...do you want it back?"

His shoulders dropped along with his face and he shook his head, "No." He turned back around again, busying himself with putting things, that were in his bag, away.


"Please...don't. I've gotten past the need to talk to you."

I could hear my heart shatter in two.

I stood up and walked closer to him, "Mattia-"

He quickly turned around and pushed me towards the wall, his lips on mine.

He wasn't gentle, or kind. The kiss was angry. But it was something we both needed.

It was hungry, both of us for each other.

I quickly grabbed Mattia's shirt, pulling it over his head. He was quick to smash his lips back onto mine as soon as his shirt was off and out of the way.

He grabbed my waist, lifting me up as I wrapped my legs around him. He carried me to the bed and set me down, the kiss continuing.

Mattia was quick as he stripped the sweatshirt off of me, his lips moving down to my neck. My hands found his hair and I tugged.

He moved back up to my lips and his hand moved up my body, towards my neck. He just rests it there a minute before squeezing.

And then...


You guys don't get to know everything.


Me while writing this part: I'm going to make them cringe but in the best way possible.

Anyways it's been a long time. That's my bad. Cause it actually is cause I'm the one who writes the book.

Lmao alright.

I'll be back soon ;)



ᴜɴᴛɪʟ ꜱʜᴇ ᴍᴇᴛ ʜɪᴍNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ