•Chapter 3• The Interview [Part One]☝️

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|Day 3|

~Third Person POV~

⚠️ Warning Cute Cinamin Rolls Ahead⚠️
(Know you have been warned)


Hinata woke up early today and made a quick stop by the mini mart and back. She than went to Natsu's room and woke her up, they ate, got ready for the day and walked. Natsu and Hinata were at Natsu's new school, they hugged and Hinata said good luck. Hinata was about to leave, but then she heard Natsu ask for her.
"Onē-chan?" Natsu asked curiously, "Yes Natsu?" Hinata said. "Onē-chan w-what if people make fun of me?" Natsu asked a little embarrassed, Hinata just gave a soft smile, chuckled a little and said " Well if anyone manages to find a flaw in you and bullies you in any way then you come to me ok?". Natsu gave a big smile "Ok, thank you Onē-chan, Love you" Hinata gave Natsu a quick reassuring hug "Love you to ok, now I gotta go bye" Hinata said while smiling. "BYE!" Natsu yelled while heading towards the direction of the school. Hinata looked back while smiling, then suddenly felt as if someone were watching her. Hinata looked around her than shrugged it off, thinking it was just her imagination and walked off.

~Time Skip Brought Me being to lazy to let Hinata get her car so she walked instead~

Hinata was just walking around town looking for any decent looking place that had a hiring sign. While walking she spotted a little cute shop called "The Crows Cafe" she looked at the place and noticed that there was a "we're hiring" sign on the window. She took awhile to decide then went in to find a tall pretty lady with black hair, fair skin, glasses, and a beauty mark by the right side of her mouth standing behind the counter.

     She went up to the lady and said "Hello, my name is Hinata Shoya, I noticed your sign out front and would like to interview for the job please?" With a huge smile. The lady looked at her for awhile before smiling back and saying " Ofcoarce please wait in that room over there *points to room behind her* and the managers will be there in a minute". "Ok thank you" Hinata said while walking towards the room *inside the room* 'The lady was really nice...I wonder if they'll hire m-'. Hinata's thoughts were cut off by a couple of people walking into the room. There by the door were two tall handsome men and a pretty girl looking around Hinata's age. One of the men had whitish-Greyish hair, light skin, and a beauty mark by his eye. The other with dark brown hair, a built body, and a bit of a tanish whitish skin. The woman had shoulder length blond hair, pale skin, and was around Hinata's height."Hello" The man with white hair said a smirk playing on the sides of his lips. 'Well this is gonna be a long day' The dark haired man internally sighed while looking at the ginger then looking to his friend.

To be continued.

Author's Note's sorry for doing a "To be continued" to people who are nice enough to continue reading 😅 I just don't want to make the chapters to long. Also...THANKS FOR READING!!!🤗🤗🤗

❤️The One They All Fell For❤️ (Fem Hinata Harem Mafia AU)*Not Finished*Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum