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A fan meeting was held today.  The first since Jeju.  I really wanted do one in Seoul.  Even a little one.  But I knew we couldn't. not in my condition.  Now I threw away the pills, started smiling, looking like my old self.  Finally, I could give my fan a nice time and show how much I values ​​them.

I thought about all this for a long time. I  wondered what i should do, how to behave. I knew I can't hide my life. I  knew i had to say everything.  That's why halfway through the meeting, i caught the eye contact of my hyungs, who were either smiling or showing off that they were there for me

I looked at my boyfriend, and even better my fiance.  Jooheon was smiling invitingly and shaking his hand made it clear to me that no matter what he was with me. That's why I now decided it was the time.  Time to show the real Changkyun monbebe.

-Now, I guess it's my turn to say a few words from myself, right? - I laughed and the fans did it with me- As you all know, I spent some time in the hospital.  I was struggling with a really serious disease that tormented me and my relatives.  Kondel's  is really damn.  I will not bore you with how much I suffered or how bad I felt.  That's not what I mean.  I just started with this information because finding out about this disease has done some good and bad things in my life.  Not only in mine, but also in the lives of my relatives.  My brother had to combine work with the hospital.  My hyungs were also struggling to earn my treatment.  Being in such a physical state I started to feel badly mentally and if it weren't for my brother, I would probably not be here with you - I told what the fans sound surprised - For years I suffered from all kinds of demons that dragged me down the same path.  I fought them day after day.  Getting to know the Monst team, including Jooheon, saved me.  A lot of people say I'm with him just for the fame or his money and I'm honestly with him because he pulls me out of this darkness.  He pulls me out of the dimple.  You see, I took it for granted all my life that no one would ever love me.  That I'll be alone.  But this idiot, even though I pushed him away, even though my life is so messed up, got with me

-Because I love you, wolf- he says, kissing my hand

-I love you too-I smiled-See, with him I gained two hyungs who, along with the rest, take care of me.  They make sure that I do not take my life again.  They make sure that I take medications and see a doctor.  Let me tell you a little bit about them, my point of view, okay? ”-I asked to which the fans cheered

-It will be interesting-replied Hyungwon

-Let's start with our Appa.  This hyung went and flew wherever he could to promote our band and earn anything for my treatment.  He's always the first to listen to me.  He never but never shouted at me.  Even when I wanted to jump off that fucking roof, he just hugged me to him and said everything would be okay.  He is our leader not because he is the oldest.  That he has brought us together, he is our leader because only he knows what to do and what to say so that a person feels much better

-He will talk about everyone like that? -Kihyun asked wich im only smiled happily

-Next let it be the one who speaks.  Our Eomma.  Although Minhyuk has its restaurant, Kihyun takes care of our meals.  He makes sure that I have meals typical of my health.  He made sure that I never push myself too hard.  That I would never fail in creating music.  When I am sick, this hyung immediately knows and takes care of me.  He was by my side when I started to believe all these haters and destroyed them.  I know what it is.  I know his smallest possible emotional fluctuations.  But what I am most happy about is that someone like him is with my brother.  He temper his stupidity.  Thanks hyung

-You are stupid-Minhyuk muttered, but feeling the hand of his boyfriend smiled

-The second biggest idiot in this group besides my brother is Hoseok hyung


-I've never met someone like him in my life.  He was the first person I told about everything.  Hell, I'll never forget his tearful eyes over it.  This hyung always thinks of me when shopping.  You don't even know how many times he bought me jelly beans.  Different kind

-Because I know you love them

-Yes, then I listen to him that his stomach hurts because you eat sweets-says Jooheon

- It's not my problem anymore

-Yeah back.  It is this hyung who always does everything to keep my mind occupied.  I love spending time with him.  Go out somewhere.  This hyung is the life of the party.

-Remember to leave tomorrow to that ice cream shop next to the hotel, I'm going to eat every taste

-I remember, I remember-laughs-Hyungwon hyung is the one I always rejected at the beginning.  We met when I found out about the disease.  I had the impression that he wanted to deal with me out of pity, compassion.  I didn't understand why he was doing all of this.  Until he explained to me that everything.  Do you remember hyung that night?

-I roared like a beaver, of course I remember-he says

-Thank you that even though I rejected you, you stayed

-I stayed and will be Kyuna forever

-Thanks that then you wrote to Wonho and brought everyone to the hospital

-You're welcome-he smiled

-About Jooheon, I don't know what else to say.  Everyone already knows what our relationship looks like, how much I love you, how much I am grateful for each day with you.  For staying with me after all this.  Shit, not only are you with me you made me come back to my old self.  Step by step you made old Changkyun come back

-Thank you for that-added Minhyuk-Thank you for giving me my little brother

-The pleasure is mine- he laughed

-Let me, that's why I turn to my brother.  About Jooheon I could talk soooo looooong but why if you all know everything right ?  So Minhyuk hyung.  Damn where to start.  You see as the certainty that no one will love me, the same certainty that in my life I will have his felt all the time.  For certain, everyone knows Minhyuk is not my biological brother, that his parents adopted me.  However, no one knows that even if this is the case, Hyuk has always been my hyung.  I met him when I was six when my parents and I returned from the States.  I've spent all my life with him.  He defended me at school.  He stood up for me when the children laughed at my speech.  He was spending his time training my Korean.  When my biological parents died, he was there for me.  He watched every step of the way.  He took care of me.  When his parents took me there, he helped me get through this moment.  He was with me when I discovered myself.  He was with me when I was tormented during treatment.  Every little visit to the doctor, he was with me.  He supported me and sat next to me.  He spent his days lying in the hospital.  He took care of me when I had a broken leg.  Despite his mean diva character and psychopathic point of view, he is the best person in my life.  My family.  I wouldn't be able to live if I didn't have him by my side,-I  says, releasing tears from my eyes seeing my hyung cry himself-He saved me.  He saved my life.  I always thank you for coming to that hyung roof then.  I always apologized for having to look after me, but I never told you that I thank you for being my brother.  Not because your parents took care of me, but because you wanted it yourself, - I says, and Minhyuk can't stand it and leaps towards me

He closes me in his arms and lets me cuddle to him.  Hearing my  brother's cry, I  cannot stand it and begins to cry too Cries like a little baby.  The rest, seeing this picture, does not stay our place for long and they quickly approach ous cuddling tightly

-Heiters and those shit gossip sites only got my dirty talk from this conversation.  They take out my sickness, I had a suicide attempt, psychological treatment.  Knowing life, they will add something from themselves, but you know what I have to say to them at this point?  Go ahead and write what you want.  With such hyungs you can do whatever you want, I don't care anymore.  Having such a family that loves you as much as you love them, all the hateful poltkini are worth shit-, I says, crying and then the whole hall, each boy and the fans cry with me

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