Darya: A Final Sunrise

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A thin shaft of sunlight crept through the curtains, almost as if it were too shy to chase away the darkness. The room was coated in a musty scent, the only noise the loud breathing and occasional snore coming from a sleeping Nerida. Darya's eyes fluttered open, surprised to see the presence of light. Every morning before the sun rose Darya had been waking up and meeting Avery outside just as they had done the day after he had arrived. However, now the weather was slowly warming up and as the season gradually changed from winter to spring, the sunrise began to arrive earlier each morning. 

Frustrated at having missed the breaking of dawn, Darya quickly got up from the bed she was sharing with Nerida, put on her coat and boots and crept down the stairs. She had mastered the art of silence in the two months that Avery had been there, so that not even the ancient steps creaked as she walked down them.

Upon reaching the entrance, Darya opened the front door to see Avery gazing out at the horizon. The sky was turning a powdery blue with soft pink patches serving as the only trace of the sunrise that had taken place only moments before. Darya breathed in the familiar fresh scent of the morning,  enjoying the soft feel of the bright grass that had recently begun poking through the earth under her feet.

"You're late." Avery grinned, turning to face her. 

Darya smiled in return. "More like the sun was early."

"Excuses excuses..." Avery chastised her jokingly.

Darya smiled at this before a wave of sadness rushed through her. The way Avery joked about her tardiness reminded Darya of Noah; Noah who she had not seen since he had admitted his feelings for her two months ago. He had been her best friend and now they didn't so much speak to each other.

Despite Avery having told Darya to make things right with Noah, Darya, wanting to avoid any form of conflict, had refused and slowly as the days went by it became harder and harder to muster up the courage to go speak to Noah. And now after more than a month, it felt rather impossible to go to Noah and pretend nothing had changed. Besides, it was not as though Noah had come to apologise to her. Why should she be the mature one?

While being with Avery was great, Darya knew it would only be temporary as he would soon have to return home. Besides, she missed Noah's innate ability to make her laugh. Darya and Noah's discussions had always been light and frivolous, whereas, with Avery, their conversations always seemed to be serious and philosophical. And although it was nice to have these conversations, she missed the carelessness that came with Noah.

"Are you okay?" Avery asked, ocean eyes crinkling with concern.

Darya remained silent, finally understanding the appeal Avery had felt when he had first arrived at the prospect of not answering every question. 

"Are you thinking about Noah again?" He asked walking towards her and putting his hand on her shoulder. His arm felt strong and his fingers were rough and calloused from manual labour Darya couldn't quite imagine him doing. 

"It'll be alright, you know. Friendship can outweigh love when it's meaningful enough." He told her.

Darya closed her eyes. "I don't know if it can."

Avery remained silent for a few moments before turning away from Darya, as though embarrassed by what he was about to say. "I am living proof that unrequited love can become friendship."

"What proof? You are still madly in love with your so-called friend." Darya told him, suddenly feeling rather jealous. She told herself that it was simply because Avery had chosen friendship over love whereas Noah had not. Yet deep down she knew that was not the entire reason.

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