Esmeralda: Conditional Love

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The darkness of the night only seemed to intensify as Esmeralda and Finn continued to walk towards the party. A tense silence persisted between them, however, Esmeralda was uncertain as to whether Finn found their lack of words quite as uncomfortable as she did, or whether she was merely imagining it. 

When the party's music loudened and chatter could be heard above its pounding beats Finn stopped walking so suddenly that Esmeralda found herself a few steps ahead of him before realising that he was no longer leading her. She turned around to face him and gazed at him questioningly.

"I suppose now would be the time to inform you about all of the so-called etiquette rules." He sighed. "Alright."

However, no information followed. At first, Esmeralda decided to wait, assuming Finn was deciding where to start. However, after a few more moments of silence she found herself speaking. "So.. are you going to share these rules?"

"Oh dear. This is going to be harder than I thought." He rubbed his face and took a few steps away from her before turning around to face her. "Could we not just say you speak a different language?"

Esmeralda was still unsure about what etiquette rule she had just broken to cause Finn to give up on her so quickly. Finn, however, continued speaking, choosing not to wait for her to reply to his question. "No. No. No. You will be meeting these people again. With my parents. That would never work. Besides, some faeries know multiple languages and if you don't know fae etiquette in English, I doubt you'd know it in Merfolkian or Garthilian."

Esmeralda had never even heard of those languages before.

"Maybe you should just go home." Finn finally decided.

"When you invited me to this party.... did you not consider this?" Esmeralda found herself asking frustratedly.

"Well of course I did. I just assumed I would have a solution by the time we reached the party. However, unfortunately, even brains quite as brilliant as mine, cannot solve the impossible."

"So what... we go back now? Can't we just tell them the truth? Like I told you." Esmeralda asked.

Finn started to laugh. Then realising that Esmeralda did not find her question even remotely funny, he immediately stopped. "You're serious? Oh god, my parents would kill me. Kill you. The embarrassment. We do not take in misfits. We take in wealthy, young, influential faeries who will elevate our social status. Not damage it. While you and your situation are not something that I care about, my parents undoubtedly do and they will not enjoy the gossip that will definitely follow tonight's events if we tell everyone the truth. And then the one in trouble for telling everyone about you shall be me. And so, until you inevitably get sent home tomorrow, I suggest we do not reveal any of these details."

Esmeralda's heart dropped. Sent home tomorrow. If she was forced to return home there would be no possibility of her marrying the prince. She would have failed. Failed Clarina. Failed the prophecy. She could not fail. She had to find a way to convince Finn to teach her the correct etiquette and more importantly, to not tell his parents the truth.

"What if I get it right?" Esmeralda asked. "The etiquette I mean. Nobody would have to know a thing."

"Oh, just like you did at dinner? Yeah, that would go superbly." Finn smirked.

"I'm a fast learner. I promise. I'll pick it up and nobody will be the wiser. Just tell me the rules." 

Finn smiled kindly, his beautiful eyes lighting up. And for a moment Esmeralda thought that she had actually gotten through to him. And then the smile darkened. "I think you should go back and rest. I'm sure it will be a rather long trip when my parents send you back to wherever you actually come from."

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