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Summers poverties

I walk into Freddie's room and my eyes are as wide as saucers. he brings out a huge poster of Jada and takes out a yellow mini scissors and cut the picture of Jada into shreds. He picked every single piece of paper and squeezed it in his hands and threw it in the garbage bin. Oh my gosh. Found the courage to walk in and talk to him. I slowly walked behind him without him noticing and said"it seems like she really broke your heart" he swivelled faster than a Lion under attack. Omg Summer never ever ever sneak up on me like that. He said.  Sure thing scaredy cat.I replied. ( Summer; s, Freddie; F)

F; Yeah she did. I still cat believe she cheated on me.

He sat on the bed and I sat beside him.

S; Yeah. So can i.

F; You never really liked her did you

S; Nope never ever ever. 

We giggled 

S; anyways of sober moments. I just had the weirdest experience ever

He stood up tiredly.

F; that's what you said when you woke up from your dream when there was a Spanish speaking monster in the subway. 

S; This Is even weirder than espanouel.

F; fine go ahead

S; Thanks life coach. anyways I was walking into my room and I found something strange about it, like there was someone else in that room. I felt forced and pushed to smell the walls. it was like I was becoming a dog almost. then the weirdest thing happened, I saw a human liked figure just that it was almost like a shadow, it was almost completely black. It wore like a sparkly top and no trousers and the top was torn in inappropriate places and her eyes it was like they weren't even there it was just pitch black. It was the scariest thing ever.  She was beside the ceiling light and then I looked around and found a piece of paper. It was blank. I squeezed in the attempt of throwing it at her, but by the time I looked up she wasn't there anymore. I scratched my eyes hoping that I was just hallucinating. I was. I praised the Lord. Then I just turned around, and there she was. looking at me face to face. Infact I almost felt like she was invading my privacy. I felt really connected to her or something. What do you think is wrong with me? Am I really just hallucinating again or is she real?

F; I think you are just hallucinating. But just to make sure, I have a couple of questions.

S; Ask away

F; Number 1; when did you last watch a scary movie that can any way be related to this experience

S; Uh yes there was a movie that was about something related to this. I watched the day before yesterday actually.

F; Yes you are just hallucinating.

S; Thanks Freddie

f; It's what they pay me for but by way I think you owe me 100 bucks

S; What

F; I am just kidding

I was just about hit him back before Lawrence came running into the room screaming all the girls should go to the living room this is not a drill.

S; Huh I think should get going

f; Think I should come with you

S; Are you a girl?

F; Hey if I wanna go with you sure I can become a girl. Wait that sounded so right in my head. 


WE stand up from the bed and walk to the living room. On our way there I was hearing voices and like hearing people sobbing, and screaming for help. It was freaking me out. 

When we got to the living room I saw Charlotte being squished by Piper and Ava pacing the room with Jared trying to calm her down and Tomika and Zack sitting talking and Lawrence just ran into the room. Oh wait Henry and Jasper carrying Charlottes huge heavy multiple bags.

Hey guys so sorry I have not updated in a while. School has been kicking my ass. anyway I will start updating every Thursday. okay love you guys. hope you enjoy this chapter, tell me about it in the comments. OH and  uh Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. 

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