More Friends, More Ramen, and More Guns

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AN: The first chapter with two days! Every chapter going forward will have two days (except for a few) :)


April 16th. Saturday. Morning.

The blaring of your alarm made you want to cry. You felt like you hadn't gotten any sleep. Something kept tugging at the back of your mind, keeping you on the verge of sleep the entire night. The fact that you could hear Yaldaboath talking to you only made things worse.

This time, you had heard him more clearly. You remembered he said something about something happening soon and your place in this world. What did he mean?

Yesterdays event came rushing back to your mind. I'm actually going to have to start stalking Akechi, aren't I? You groaned internally and rubbed your face. You had told him about Kamoshida. He was going to get involved. You couldn't let him do anything too drastic. Arresting Kamoshida would be one thing, the Phantom Thieves would still be able to change his heart and force him to confess, but causing him to have a mental shutdown would ruin everything. So much for treading carefully. You'd have to do this your own way.

You were at least happy with the progress you made with Makoto yesterday. It was really beginning to feel like you're friends. You were glad that you got to tell her how much you appreciated what she did for you. Of course that wouldn't cure her of her insecurity and feeling like she needs to be everyone's lap dog, but at least she knew she had someone on her side now.

Mechanically, you went through your morning routine. You put on a bit of makeup, cooked yourself breakfast and made lunch for you and Akechi. Todays lunch consisted of sweet and sour chicken, a few sliced cherry tomatoes, a rolled omelet and rice. It didn't take you long to carefully put together the lunches.

After receiving a text from Akechi, letting you know he was outside, you packed your bag and slipped on your shoes. Remember Y/N. Drop the honorific today. Pay close attention to him. He is definitely not 'alright.' You were curious to see how he would react to you just calling him by his last name. It might not seem like much to you, but to him, you knew it would probably be a huge leap.

As you slipped through the door of your apartment complex, you immediately made eye contact with him. The smile that sat on his lips looked forced and you could see the bags under his eyes. No amount of concealer would be able to hide them. He definitely didn't get any sleep last night.

"Good morning, Akechi." You said softly as you got closer to him, preparing yourself for any possible reaction. His eyes widened and his mouth opened a bit, then he blinked, and his look of shock had disappeared just as quick as it came. That forced smile of his from earlier softened a bit.

"Good morning, L/N. How did you sleep?" He dropped it too. You couldn't ignore the excitement that fluttered around your stomach. A slight heat made its way to your cheeks. One step at a time! Thank you Makoto for convincing me to do this.

"To be honest, not all that great. You?" You sighed, letting your shoulders droop and your back hunch a bit. It was hard to keep your posture perfect all the time, especially with how tired you felt today.

"I slept alright. I wish I could've gotten more than 6 hours of sleep though. 8 hours is the golden number for me." He lied, giving you a sympathetic look as you both began heading towards the station.

You sighed internally. Patience. "8 hours is definitely the magic number." You laughed a bit. "Could we stop by that underground convenience store on the way to school? I need to get myself an energy drink or something." You groaned the last part. You wondered if this world would have monster energy drinks. Your favorite was the mango loco flavor.

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