Apologies and Alcohol

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Hermione's POV

The rest of the golden trio and I were walking onto the Hogwarts Express for our repeat of seventh year. Since there was an extra group of kids on the train it was even more crowded than usual. Once we finally found a cabin with room for more people we looked inside to see none other than Draco Malfoy, Pansy Parkinson, and Blaise Zabini. Since this was the only compartment we could find that would fit all three of us, we sat there.

"Weasley, Granger, Potter, hello," Malfoy says.

My steps falter. Did I hear him correctly? For the first time in years he addressed Ron and I by our first names and not those horrible nicknames he gave us. 

"Hello," I respond, looking Malfoy in his eyes to see if they will give anything away... they don't.

Harry says, "Hey" and Ron just ignores him. We all sit in and awkward kind of silence the rest of the ride. Once we arrive we part with the trio of Slytherins and find Luna, Ginny, and Neville in a carriage and sit with them on the way to the school.

When we walk into the great hall for the sorting ceremony and the feast we pass by the group again and I see Malfoy looking at Harry. I glance over at Harry and I see the boy blush before he looks the other way.


3rd Person POV

After the first years sorting ceremony headmaster McGonagall starts speaking again, "After everything that has happened with the dark lord I feel as though we have all changed, and so I think that it would be best if that the rest of you get resorted. Now will every student except the first years step forward." After an unknown amount of time goes by the golden trio finally get their turns.

"Hermione Granger."


"Ron Weasley."


"Harry Potter."

"Seven years ago I made the mistake of putting you in Gryffindor because you wanted it. Well today I will right that wrong. Always and forever Slytherin," the sorting hat yelled the last word especially loud so that the entire school could hear.

The room went silent. Harry unwillingly made his way over to the Slytherin table and sat down at the end as far from his new housemates as he could get.

Harry's POV

When I get to the dungeons I quickly go to find my room and unpack. Each dorm is unlabelled and has three beds so I pick a random one. Once I choose, my items appear in front of the bed on the right. 

I hear footsteps and look over to see Malfoy and Zabini. "You mind if we all share," Zabini asks hesitantly like I'm a wild animal he is trying not to scare off.

After a moment of hesitation I respond, "No, you're all good."

Once I finish unpacking I get into the longest shower I've ever taken, hoping that by the time I'm finished my new roommates will be gone. Because the world hates me, they aren't. When I walk out I notice that Pansy Parkinson has made herself at home on Zabini's bed. "Hey Potter, can we all talk for a minute, " she asks me.

I have to force my eyebrows to not shoot up into my hairline in surprise.

"Sure, " I respond wearily closing the door as I inch further into the room.

Pansy takes a breath as if working up the courage to say what she needs to. "We would like to apologize for the way we have treated you and your friends throughout the last seven years. We were trying to please our parents and ended up hurting you all instead." The words rush out of her mouth so fast it takes an extra minute for me to process them. 

That's not what I expected.

Is this really happening? Should I forgive them for all the emotional, and sometimes even physical pain they have put me and my friends through since we got to Hogwarts? Then again, they are apologizing now. Plus I'm going to have to live with them for the next year. "Consider it forgiven but not forgotten."

"Very Slytherin of you Potter, " Malfoy says in that frustratingly impassive voice of his.

"Well I suppose there must be a reason I was sorted here. Also you can call me Harry."

"Well in that case it's Pansy, Draco, and Blaise."

"Come on, we are all going to hang out in the common room," Pansy says.

"I don't know."

"You're going," she presses and I figure she's not the kind of person who gives in easily.

Begrudgingly I surrender, "Fine."

When we get there everyone stops and looks at us. I suppose no one expects Harry Potter and the three most popular Slytherins to hang out, especially considering our old rivalry. We all sit on a couch and Pansy offers me a bottle of firewhiskey. "I'm okay."

"Alright," she responds skeptically. 

I look around and see every single face in the room looking at me, all with different facial expressions. Some distrusting, others almost hopeful and plenty in-between "On second thought, I could use that drink."

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