Chapter 3

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"Oh my god!" I gasped under my breath.

...It was Ashley. Right there. In the cinema. Now looking at me like I was a foriegner. I still had my sunglasses and hoodie on so I wasn't seen by paps. But this...seemed worse. He was on the news saying about how much he still loved me; saying he would die for me. And now, he was standing face to face in front of me. I shot back into the ladies toilets and saw Kimberley, checking her appearence. Until she saw me run into her arms like an upset child.

I don't know why I'm like this, because I'm over Ashley now but I guess there's something wrong with me, I thought. What's wrong with you, Cheryl? Grow up, I told myself.

Kimberley instantly looked concerned.

"Cheryl? You ok?"

I looked down and shook my head fast, too starstruck to speak. She took my hand and squeezed it gently to comfort me.

"What's happened?" She asked, softly. I felt myself go bright tomato red.

"I s-saw-" I started to stammer, speechless. I couldn't finish my sentence.

"You saw what, chez?" Kimberley kept saying. I felt my head spinning as I thought about Ashley even more.

"Ashley." I quietly answered. Her face changed from a worried state to an annoyed scowl.

"What's he doing here? Cheryl, are you ok?"

I didn't know. Was I ok? I don't know!, my mind wanted to scream. Suddenly, Kimberley seemed scared as I wasn't responding to her. Even that one question kept me whirling around in my head.

"Oh, I'm just a mess, Kimba." I cried. "Sorry. I can't control meself today. It's just...him."

"Don't apologise. Maybe we should ask why he's here..."

"No, Kimba, that's a terrible idea!" I spilt out my mouth. Why did I say that? I instantly felt horrible. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean t-" Kimberley cut me off with a smile.

"Don't worry, it's ok, Chezza!" She reassured. "Just walk past him and pretend you don't know him." I nodded and we exited the toilets and tried to make our way out.

But then, I felt a hand crunch my wrist as I was dragged back. Kimberley didn't notice at first and thought I was behind her, being quiet. I soon recognised that it was Ashley. Trying to take me back when he knew I had a husband and didn't have any intention of breaking up with JB.

I knew I heard or felt someone watching or eavesdropping on me and Kimberley. Ashley had already pulled down my hood and took off my sunglasses to reveal my face. Oh God. Now the paps are gonna notice, I dreaded.

I panicked and started to run as fast as I could, adrenaline pumping through my whole body as Ashley chased after me. But I knew I definitely haven't properly ran in ages. Ashley was a premier footballer and he caught up with me and grabbed me as I stopped for breath.

Kimberley's pov

As I unlocked the car, I shouted, 'Let's go, Cheryl, quick!" But then I realised...

She wasn't there. Oh, no. "CHERYL! WHERE ARE YOU?" I yelled at the top of my lungs which made people in the car park stare at me; not having a clue what I was doing or if I was truly mental. I desperately ran back into the cinema doors in a flurry as even more people looked at me. I saw paps coming behind me, wanting a picture, but I didn't care. All I wanted, was to find Cheryl.

Then, I spotted Ashley, holding on to uncomfortably on Cheryl's petite figure. She was pale with fear and with tears rolling down her pink cheeks as Ashley's grip tightened as he tried to talk to her. She was trying to let go of him. He then dug his nails into her as he was ever so desperate not to let his ex wife go while making pathetic excuses at her. Tears were spurting out his eyeballs.

"Ow! Please, Ashley, let go of me!" She pleaded in tears as she was squirming in his armed lock.

"Let go of her!" I shouted.

Cheryl's pov

"Let go of her!" I suddenly heard Kimberley. Oh, my god, please just save me from this lunatic! She sprinted towards Ashley, who held me hard. It really killed me, ya know. My sides felt like they were bleeding as his grip got tighter and tighter on my hips. I felt as if there was no air and that this was a nightmare. I constantly blinked over and over again, trying to wake meself. But it was no use. This is real. I noticed people coming frantic in a frenzy. The paps were there, taking photos of me suffering from pain as Ashley still didn't even loosen his arms, which didn't look tired at all. I yelped at the top of my voice, trying to get someone, anyone's attention.

"Let her go, you prick!" I heard Kimberley say, angrily. She charged to him as she tried to detach me from him, seeing how much pain I was in. My phone also kept vibrating, a number of texts and missed calls from JB in a state. I didn't realise the time. Eventually, a security guy shoved Ashley off me. Thank fucking god, I still felt my chest very tight and my sides were painful to touch from the powerful grip and force of Ashley's fingernails digging in. Kimberley jumped in my arms and pulled me out of the cinema and into the car immediately before no one else said a single word. I saw that it was getting dark and realised that it was late to still be at the cinema. I check my phone in a panic and my jaw dropped again.

It was 5:45! I also saw three missed calls and dozens of texts from JB, I could tell, from not even looking at his face, that he was really worried to death. Kimberley drove as fast as the driving limit. It seemed as if we were driving in sonic speed and I winced, flinching as I accidentally elbowed my side in a panic. As soon as I undid my seatbelt and got out Kimberley's car, I ran to my door and quickly let myself in, Kimberley followed. I rushed upstairs to the bedroom and felt myself sweating.

Kimberley sauntered in, petrified. I hid under the covers where no one could get me. JB came up as he heard me dash up the stairs. I huddled myself in a shaky state and loudly sobbed.

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