Chapter One

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Technoblade POV

I joined this SMP for one reason. To help my brothers. Nothing else. They said they needed help taking over a government? I'm in. The one thing I did not know is how many people in this SMP aren't scared of hybrids. I mean, of course they are scared of me. My nickname is the blood god for goodness sake. But it's kinda realiving. I don't know. It's weird, Tommy and

Wilbur still hide that they are a hybrid but I don't judge them for hiding it. When I got there in the SMP they showed me where they used to live and where they live now. L'manberg, beautiful and peaceful Wilbur called it until Schlatt took over. Wilbur told me that Tommy gave his discs for freedom of L'manberg. Shocking for everyone but especially for me and Wilbur. Tommy would rather kill someone then let someone have his discs. He also said that he had a son. Had. I don't really know what that means. Did he die or? Here, nevermind. After he showed me L'manberg or Manberg, he showed me where he and Tommy were hiding out. It's a closed ravine but it looked actually pretty nice with lanterns and more. I made my own potato farm and got some supplies. I guess Tommy has a friend that's a spy and Wilbur is Wilbur. (Out of story but Wilbur isn't insane right now.) As I'm mining in the ravine I hear Tommy scream "Wilbur!" I ignored it first, I thought it was just Tommy and Wilbur messing around. You know, Tommy probably got stuck in the wall again or something. Then I see Tommy coming towards me running freaking out. I hear three words from him.

"Wilbur is missing."

I responded back "What?"

"He isn't here. I don't know where he is and I'm freaking out Techno-" Tommy said in a panic.

"Hey, maybe he is just getting something okay?" I tried to say as calmly as I could but in reality, I was panicking too. Let's just say this. Tubbo came back with some news from Jschlatt.

Wilbur was captured by Manberg.

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