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Lucifer glanced at her. She continued.
Y/n: "This is my life. Maybe you created me but I'll write my own destiny"
She stopped as she made a direct eye contact with him.
Lucifer was satisfied with her every word. That should be the nature of his part. Only his reflection can have the courage to stand in front of him, keep her eyes on him and say such of things.
Lucifer: "I like your your attitude dear"
He softly cares her cheeks
" Your playful eyes, your attractive voice, the way you talk fearlessly"
She closed her eyes for first touch and the new sensation.
Lucifer drove his hand to her neek
" There is no doubt that you're my creation."
But suddenly he grabbed her hair roughly and move her head upwards to make a direct eye contact with her.
She was shoked by his sudden action but she didn't reveal it. She just widened her eyes and continued her attitude.
" But... You were not created for making your own destiny. The purpose of your birth is to save the belance of hell from destruction, to prevent their genes from from spreading and to destroy them."
He softened her grip from her hair and gently cared it
" And after you done your work properly, I'll please you, as much you want" he said as he rub his nose on her cheeks.

Village Yangdong, time afternoon:
A soldier heard the lamentation of a girl through the jungle at Western end of the village. He entered in the forest to get to the root of the matter. Just at the moment he fell down as his legs stuck to somthing long. But he stood up, managed his balance and was surprised to see what he saw. A muddy, tortured women, wearing no clothes. She was scared but she was getting more scared when she saw him.

In the royal court:
The soldier explained all the details to the king.
King: Hmm... Where is the women now?
Soldier: I brought her with me. My wife arranged some clothes for her. She is stable now. But Your Majesty, sh-she lost her memories.
King ordered: "Bring her inside"

At the king's command, the girl entered the court little by little. Everyone in the courtroom was moved to see the girl. Looks like someone hit a rose a lot. The king's stony heart also melted at the sight of the girl's two eyes full of delusion, and the inside of his chest sighed knowing her misfortune. Light tears came to the corner of the King's eyes.

To be continued...

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