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"Never mistake my silence for weakness. No one plans a murder out loud."

It was Christmas Eve

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It was Christmas Eve. Almost Christmas. It was almost 10. But this time, you couldn't hear the carols all around the city. This time, you couldn't see the city decorated in lights.

Because this time, the city was blind. Dark blind. The people were blind. Dark blind. They couldn't celebrate.

They knew about the cases. No. Not Beth's case, yet. They knew that they didn't want to brush up past the killer of the victims, who rather gave birth to the miseries of the people.

Nineteen murders in 358 days, probably the next one on its way. Nineteen horrors in 358 days. But a million years in 358 days.

And the most terrifying thing? The killer. Of course, all murders were done in the same way. Rape, mutilation of hand and foot fingers, and then strangulation. The killer was still on the loose. Still.

No one knew who he was. No one knew what his motive was. No one would know. No one would notice even if they brushed past the serial killer while going to work, while simply taking a brisk walk in their beloved park while eating in their favorite restaurant while standing in the long line for burgers, no one would know.


A few warnings:

- Mature content. (Violence, crime, murder, gore).

- It's gonna be a risky, but enjoyable ride. Fasten your seatbelts.

- The book is under major editing, with major plot changes, which, regardless, would affect the execution of the scenes but not the major plotline. 

- All rights belong to the author, that is, me. No tolerance will be shown towards those who copy or use my work in any form.

- The story's gonna be at a fast pace from the start itself, but remember, none of the scenes or decisions will seem rushed, or unlogical. Every action and story arc will be fully understood and completely justified. Every chapter is gonna contain important content regarding the plot. I promise you, you WON'T be disappointed.

- I welcome constructive criticism and suggestions, not hate. 

Please vote and comment guys. It really encourages me, cause well, I have kind of a bipolar personality ;)

Enjoy, mates.


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