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Mama always keep a smile on her face
Her beauty made others jealous
Her pure heart made her extraordinary for us but prey to men
Mother of five still mama is beautiful

After a long while mama accepted one
She thought we all will be happy
Children need a father so one they have gotten . Mama was happy so we all too

Mama decided not to let this one go
She said “ I don't want people to say I am a cursed woman the first left now the second too ” she accepted everything all insults and bad treatment.

At nights mama cried and in the day she smiles. Mama's strength was our pride
She worked day and night and pray every Sunday .

Mama's work made her naive on how the children were growing ,she never knew when they cry or laugh only knew if they have gone to school and if they have eaten

Her absence made her kids prey ,when Mama was out the house became torture
It felt insecure and bitter . Mama's first daughter was raped then pregnant , mama discovered and her heart broke into pieces.

Tears , hatred all over the house Mama got weak and decided to close her mouth "if not for myself then for my kids no one should insult them tomorrow” mama got stronger and continued the struggle.

Everyone in fear , we ended up being all used “ would mama survive this if she discover ” we all asked ourselves , rumor's spread around the house but no one ever confessed to it . Mama won't be able to handle this ,mama will get too weak .

What will happen to her? 
              Mama's mistake

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