😡 Chapter 3 - Work Feud 😡

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After school, you head straight to work, and after work, you know one store that will be open to getting your brother his Pink Milk. You wait at the bus while texting Talia about her classes, and you learn somethings about her household. She has two dads and three younger siblings and a dog. You tell her a couple of things about yourself before the bus pulls up. You enter the bus and sit in the back with your headphones on, listening to your favorite song. As the bus was about to pull off, it stops. A new passenger gets on it, Tom. You both look at each other for a second until he sits down. He's in the front seats. He looked kept looking at me. I took glances to see if he got off already, but he was still there. Finally, the bus reached my stop, and I got off, but so did Tom. You continued to go to work slowly, walking with your headphones on, and noticed that it looked like Tom was following you, so you decided to walk quickly until you finally reached your job before heading in; you looked to see if he was still following you which it didn't seem like he was maybe he lived around the neighborhood, but it didn't matter you had work to do you enter the Café bathroom changed into your uniform and started working. Your boss exits his office to greet you. You wave to him, and he stops you to fix your uniform. He usually does this every time you enter work.
Felix: when are you going to be able to put on your uniform without me having to fix it every time.
He said, smiling. He had a lovely smile that shines like the stars.
Y/N: I don't need to because you do it for me.
He chuckled then gave me a list of things to do around the place you mop the floors, take a couple of orders, stocked up the inventory in the back—a few hours past, and the cafe close in an hour. As you exit the back of the cafe, you see someone enters out of all people; it's Tom. He must have seen you enter then left before you could see him when he was following you earlier. You force a smile and walk up to his table.
Y/N: Hello, welcome to Fluffy Cabin Café. What can I get you?
Tom: So this is where you work, Milk boy, it nice in here.
Y/N: listen, are you going to order something or not?!
Tom: that isn't friendly customer service. Maybe I should tell your boss.
Your face turned red with anger. You count to ten in your head to calm yourself down.
Y/N: my bad, sir. I could get another sever if you like?
Tom: no, you'll do fine.
He said it with a grin. It scary one that he ordered pretty much everything we had, and my hands were starting to hurt, but I pushed threw it. It was almost closing Tim, and he's still here. Felix, your boss, came up to you and said that you could leave early, so you head to the bathroom to change and then run out the front door. Tom, for some reason, follows you out after paying and leaving a tip. He is slowly following you from behind. You look at the clock, and you have about 7 mins before the shop closes, so you quickly rushed but then tom finally step in front of you.
Tom: why in such a rush, Milk Boy?
You tried to go past him, but he kept blocking your path.
Y/N: Move, Holland!!!
He kept blocking them out of anger; you punch him straight in the face. He stumbles back and rubs his face. He pushes you, making you stumble onto the ground, but you quickly get up and try to run past him. He grabs your backpack, tugging you back.
Y/N: Dammit, let go, please.
You take off your backpack, falling forward on the ground, but you quickly get up to rush to the shop, but once you get there, it closed.

Lovely, Holland (Tom Holland x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now