Love and Fireworks

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Fireworks. A burst showering the night sky with colored sparks. An explosion of colours behind one's eyelids originating from a kiss so full of emotion, of passion, that it makes their knees weak. But in the end, fireworks are just a pyrotechnics display to stupefy the masses, make them forget their worries.

At least that was Raven's opinion. Honestly, after seeing fireworks so many times, she felt her enthusiasm slip a little bit at a time, until the display left her feeling indifferent, monotonous even. She still understood the fact that they amplified the importance of a moment, mind you, but she could no longer bring herself to care.

Truthfully, if it hadn't been for Damian and the Titans she wouldn't be in a luxurious guest suite in Wayne Manor, much less preparing to attend the New Year's Eve party which it would house. Really, she'd much rather be sitting in her comfy sofa, snuggled up against her boyfriend, watching a movie adaptation from one of Dickens' novels. Yet, here she was, allowing Kori to pull her tresses into a mermaid braid, placing sapphire-bejeweled pins here and there before laying it over her shoulder and exiting the suite to see if any other member of the team needed help getting ready. Thus, Raven was left on her own in the confines of her suite with nothing but time in her hands since the party wouldn't start until a few hours later.

Throwing caution to the wind, and care for the matter, she crossed the room and, upon reaching the bookshelf, plucked a random classic, which also was one of her very favourite. Cracking it open, she moved to sit against the headboard, getting absorbed in the book, losing herself in another land and era. So much so, that she didn't hear the knock on her door, neither the entry of her boyfriend. As a matter of a fact, she had blocked out her surroundings, until she felt someone shake her shoulder, bringing her back to reality.

"Huh?" she exclaimed, surprise and confusion taking over her features.

"You got lost in your book again? Raven you should get ready. The party starts in half an hour!" he admonished, frustration seeping in his voice.

"Okay, okay, I will, but could you...?" she trailed off, pointing at the door.

"Why? It's not like I haven't seen it before..." he crossed his arms over his chest, propping himself against the wall.

Raven rolled her eyes and encased him in the black mass that was her magic, levitating him out of the room and locking the door. She saw it fit to tuck an "I'll see you downstairs" for good measure.

After hearing a faint "Alright, beloved" and even fainter footsteps making their way down the hallway, and only then did she dare to venture into the walk-in closet, where her dress for the torturous event was stored.

Nothing too extravagant, mind you... A two-piece dress consisting of a black, lace crop top and a royal blue, silk, full-length skirt. And then again there were those high-heeled sandals, which she absolutely adored, but still needed to add an enchantment to make standing for hours on end more tolerable. Also, if one took into account that the top was off-the-shoulder, which she did, they would opt to forgo necklaces of any sort. In fact, the only jewelry she wore were the sapphire-blue, tear-drop earrings that she'd reluctantly agreed to wear after hours of negotiations with both Kori and Donna.

In short, she couldn't recognize herself in the mirror under the fine fabrics and cosmetics to enhance her natural beauty. She didn't know how she felt about that... But there was no time to ponder on it, she still had to make her way to the ballroom before the guests arrived. And, unfortunately for her, while she only had to trudge down one flight of stairs, the steps were seemingly endless. Nuisance, really...

Nothing new there, but she wasn't expecting to find Damian at the bottom of the stairs, a look of astonishment and appreciation seemingly glued upon his face as he watched her make her way down the staircase. Even when she stood in front of him, his expression had yet to switch back to its usual mask devoid of all emotions. Just as she was about to wave her hand in front of his face, wanting to know if he'd zoned out, he blinked rapidly, shaking his head. And before she could ask whether he was alright, he cut her off...

"You look... stunning, beloved..." he purred, eyes alight with admiration.

And she was cut off once again by the entrance of one Dick Grayson, who'd probably been told to come find them, signaling of the even fewer moments they had before the torture – the event...not torture, event – begun.

"There you two are, everyone's been looking for you, the party's about to begin..."

Biting back a groan, Raven linked her arm with Damian's, the two of them marching behind Dick, who found it necessary to comment on the decorations put all over the manor and how adorable they looked together, but he dared not speak those words aloud, fearsome of the wrath they would bring upon him.

And at last, they had passed the glass doors leading to the ballroom. Garlands strewn all over the chandeliers, little gold bows attached with mistletoe dangling off them. Five large, meticulously decorated Christmas trees were standing tall on the platform, behind the orchestra playing a light-hearted tune, giving off a calming atmosphere along with the vanilla scented candles flickering on the refreshment tables, covered by blood-red tablecloths, embroidered with white snowflakes.

'Alfred has once again outdone himself.' Raven thought as she took in the grandeur of the ballroom, her eyes falling to their teammates and adopted family who had knowing smiles on their faces as they watched them approach. But once they did, they all started gushing over how beautiful Raven looked and how they couldn't wait for the party to start.

And then it did.

CEOs, heirs and heiresses of the richest and most influential families in Gotham began filling the room, their daughters following in toe, hoping to catch the eye of one of the Wayne boys, probably disregarding the fact they were all taken. And obviously they didn't get the memo even after they excused themselves to join their significant other by the drinks or on the dance floor.

And that's exactly what Damian and Raven did. Dancing the night away, feeling carefree as they hadn't in a long time, slipping into the garden, away from prying eyes, as it neared midnight.

Raven let out a contented sigh, her head falling to rest on her boyfriend's shoulder as he wound his arm around her waist when they sat down on a similarly festive gazebo, enjoying the quiet of the place.

"You have to admit it was quite enjoyable, beloved, unlike you'd led yourself to believe." Damian said, no louder than a whisper, not wanting to ruin the calm that had taken over.

"Yeah, you're right. It was fun and I did so appreciate that you are so well-versed in ballroom dances..."

Damian simply rolled his eyes at her playfulness. Those sarcastic jabs were part of the reason he fell in love with her.

"So..." he trailed off. She hummed, letting him know she was listening.

"I know it's probably a little early but..." he pulled out a small velvet box and passed it on to her. "My gift for you, love..."

Raven carefully held it in her hands, gently prying open the lid to reveal a rose-gold ring, a diamond-shaped amethyst glinting up at her, surrounded by a cluster of smaller ones on either side.

She gasped in surprise, whipping her head around to ask just what he meant by this, but he simply picked it up nonchalantly and bent down on one knee in front of her, love shining in his eyes. Her eyes widened even further, stammering over her words, unable to form a single word.

"Raven...We've been together for quite some time now, and frankly it's been the best of my life. I know I want to have that, have you for the rest of my life... waking up next to you, arguing about the stupidest of things, just being with you... I want all of that. Even if I could, I would have it no other way..." he paused, taking a breath, and in the deafening silence, she heard the countdown for the New Year down to five.

"Beloved, will you do me the honour of becoming my wife?"


She covered her mouth with her hands, eyes stinging with unshed tears.


She moved her hands to lay on her lap, mouth opening to whisper...



A smile broke out on both their faces as he slipped the ring on her finger.

As a loud and joyous "HAPPY NEW YEAR" resounded through the garden and fireworks flew into the sky the two cemented their love for each other with an all-encompassing kiss.

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