🥀Chapter 1: "It's Not Fair!"🥀

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Just know this is the first book I've ever written, it's probably going to be horrible... I hope you enjoy -v- oh and when I surround text in '.' with those it means there thinking. Oh and my Star Sans consist of Ink, Dream, Blueberry, Lust, Outer, and Science (so you don't get confused).

Small cuss warning

💙Blue's P.O.V.💙

Current Location: Star Sans Base
Time: 9:52 am

"Blue plea—" I growled storming off upstairs so to my room, not letting Dream finish there sentence. I reached the top of the stairs quickly locating my room, I remembered these hall clearly because I hardly ever got to go on missions as it was too 'Dangerous' for me. I quickly stepped into my room slamming my door shut being me and quickly locking it. I sighed, 'I'll have to apologize to Dream later, I shouldn't of yelled at him...It wasn't his fault anyway. I paused walking over to my bed, quickly laying face down with a small groan. I distantly heard the sound of a portal opening, and a moment later it closed.

"Wow...way to leave me here alone again..." I mumbled quietly to myself. 'It doesn't matter anyway.' I sighed, flipping over onto my back. I gazed at my ceiling for a moment, it was covered in plastic stars — they glow in the dark! An idea popped into my head as I quickly sat up, got off my bed and quickly made my way over to a small desk that was in my room. I opened a draw and pulled out a piece of paper, and with my free hand I grabbed a pen that was just laying on the desk. I quickly wrote down a small note, set my pen down and smiled. Hopefully if they came back within the next two hours they'll find this note. I turned and I opened a portal to a very familiar au, Outertale! It's been a while since I've been here, I usually go with Error. I giggled slightly as I remembered some of the dumb stuff we did together. I step through the portal then close it. I let out a small sigh, Error was right, this is about the only place you can go to for some alone time. I walked over to the edge of the small floating island, sitting down with my feet hanging over the edge. I took in a deep calming breath as I gazed at the uncountable stars that littered everything. I laid down and stared at the stars, my kind drifting off slightly, slowly closing my eyes.

"Hęh, łøokīë ât whät Ì føüñd" A familiar glitchy voice said. I smiled again, opening my eyes to see Error standing over me.

"Heya Error, How are you?" I asked cheerfully, sitting up. He smiled as he sat down next to me looking out at the stars for a moment before looking back at me.

"Bęttêr thãń üśūåł, Í gùëśš." He responds with a simple shrug. "Høw ärê ÿøû?" He asked, locking eyes(lights?) with me.

"I'm fine, a little confined, but that's nothing different than usual." I said, mumbling the end. Error sighed, then looked back out at the stars.

"Bëáūtįfûł īšñ't ìt?" Error asked, changing the subject. I smiled, 'I'm glad he doesn't push my boundaries...'

"Yea it is." I responded somewhat cheerfully. I layer back down, and Error layer down as well. We spent quite a while talking about random stuff. 'Sometimes it feels as if he's the only person who understands...'

"Åñd thât'š whÿ Î døñ't łîkė łïghtñįg thât mūçh!" He exclaimed, finishing a random joke. I paused for a moment before bursting out into laughter, causing him to start laughing too. After about a minute our laughter died out slowly.

"Ah...." I smiled at Error happily then looked back out at the stars.

"Whät'çhã thīñkïńg åbôūt, łìttlė bërrÿ?" Error asked, his glitchy voice having hints of curiosity.

"Nothing important..." I paused. "What time is it?" I asked simply, turning to face Error. He paused for a moment before pulling out his phone.

"Ït'š 12:37, whÿ?" Error responded. My eye (sockets?) widen in shock as I quickly stood up.

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