Chapter 1: Caught Red Handed

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Author's Note: Hi anyone reading this! This is my first story on Wattpad. I will hopefully update every 1-2 weeks. I am kind of busy though between schoolwork and sports, so that might change. Anyway, feel free to comment and make suggestions. Also, the picture is what I imagine Camilla to look like. I do not own the picture or the kotlc world, which belongs to Shannon Messenger

Camilla's POV

Camilla crouched in the bushes behind Sophie Foster's human family's house. Technically, she didn't have to hide. Her ability as a Vanisher made it unnecessary. But vanishing for a continuous five days was too much- even for her genetically enhanced abilities. This was her punishment for Brant's failure. When Brant had been killed at Lumenaria, which was not part of the plan, she had taken the fallout for it.

So far she hadn't seen any signs of activity. Except for that dumb barking dog. Camilla rubbed her temples. Maybe she should just go inside and check for the girl again. Alvar had told her not to, but what did Alvar know?

Camilla vanished and ran for the side door. She froze.

Three teenagers were peeking in the window. "The house is a mess. Way messier than my mom would ever allow it to be," the slender blonde girl argued.

Was this the girl she was looking for? The family portrait that she had glanced at inside the house vetoed that explanation. But the blonde girl had said "my mom". So who else could it...


Yeah, she was in trouble.

"People change," the cute boy with awesome hair replied unconvincingly. The girl, who Camilla had now guessed to be the one and only Sophie Foster, chewed anxiously on her lip.

"I have to get inside," she said, determined. At that, Camilla had had enough.

Camilla appeared behind them. "You won't find your parents in there," Camilla said boldly. They all jumped in surprise.

"Who are you?" the dark-haired boy with gorgeous teal eyes questioned accusingly. Realizing her mistake, Camilla backed off a little.

"I mean, I haven't seen their cars move at all for days, and I live right across the street," she lied. Dark hair didn't look convinced.

"Why can't I hear your thoughts?" Sophie asked. Camilla started to panic. And to add the final nail to her coffin of doom, she could now hear other people running towards them. Goblins. Fintan was going to kill her.

"Hear my thoughts?!?!" she decided to act dumb and impersonate a very confused human. "Okay, crazy person!" she tried to run for it. Before she could take two steps, however, the cute blonde boy grabbed her arm. She tried to pull her arm away but it was too late.

"You're an enhancer?!" he yelled, making her cringe.

"I- I don't know what you're talking about," she shook her head rapidly. Sophie closed her eyes. Immediately, Camilla knew she was going to try to search her mind. She didn't have time to hide critical information, so she thought loud thoughts that she thought a human would think.

Who are these people? What is an enhancer? Why are they all so good looking? she thought desperately. She hoped Sophie would only look at her surface thoughts, and accept the easy answer.

Sophie nodded to the dark-haired boy who said, "Okay, we believe you, also my name is Fitz Vacker," he said. She fitted this into her little box of information at the back of her brain.

"And I'm Keefe," the cute one said. Camilla noticed that he left off his last name. "And this is the Mysterious Miss F."

"Sophie," she corrected. Keefe smirked.

"I kn- I mean, nice to meet you." Camilla caught herself. "My name is Camilla."

"Cool," Keefe responded.

"But what are you guys doing here, and what is enhancing?" Camilla asked, still trying to convince them that she was unaware that she was an elf.

"I'm going to stop you right there," a squeaky voice interrupted them. Camilla turned around faster than the speed of light. A tall muscly goblin was standing behind her with a hand on the hilt of his sword. She gasped; this was just getting worse and worse. She stood like a deer in headlights, staring at the goblin who would kill before she could say "Moonlark" if he knew what role she played in the Neverseen.

Sophie misunderstood her shock, God bless her oblivious soul. "Don't worry, that's Sandor, he won't hurt you," she tells her. Camilla nodded mutely.

Sandro started sniffing the air suspiciously. "This place smells like ash," he said. Sophie paled considerably.

"They took them," she whispered. Keefe reached over and grabbed her hand.

"We'll get them back, I promise," he reassured her. "And the first step is searching the house."

"I will be searching the house, you four will be staying out here with Grizel," Sandor corrected Keefe.

"There's no way that you are searching my family's house without me," Sophie protested. For a second it looked like Sandor was going to argue, but he seemed to accept the truth to Sophie's words.

"Fine, but stay behind me and do whatever I tell you," Sandor ordered. Camilla tentatively raised her hand.

"Who is Grizel?" she asked. Fitz opened his mouth to answer, but before he could, another goblin melted out of the shadows, nearly giving Camilla a heart attack.

"I am," The tall, much less bulky, counterpart to Sandor answered. She flicked her long ponytail over her shoulders and put her hands on her hips. "And since I already know what Sandor is going to say, I will save him the trouble. I will take you back to Alden, while Sophie, Fitz, and Keefe search the house with Sandor."

Camilla debated her choices. She could argue, but that would not help her case- she wanted them to trust her. She could go with Grizel, but she knew Alden was a powerful telepath who would surely do a much more though probe than Sophie had. Or she could run, but against super-strong goblins, she didn't like her chances.

What had she gotten herself into?

Okay that's it for this chapter. So what do you guys think she's going to do? We'll see I guess. Thank you so much if you've read this far. I'll post another chapter as soon as I can. Also thank you to foreverabookreader for helping me write this chapter

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