Chapter 13: Bored

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Camilla's POV

Camilla sighed in relief after the strange boy had gone. He kept looking at her like he expected her to know him. Like... they had been friends. Before she forgot. That was more pressure than she wanted on her shoulders. Still, she felt a little bad for acting so distant. She could have pretended to remember him a little bit. Even though he would see right through it.

Biana had left right after him, glancing over her shoulder worryingly. She didn't remember Biana, but Camilla could tell that they had been friends, but not for very long. Definitely new friends. She thought she might want to become friends with her again.

The pain medicine had started taking the sharp edges from her burns, dulling them enough that she could flip over to her side without screaming in agony.

Minutes past, and heavy tedium sat heavily in the room. Being bored was a problem Camilla supposed she dealt with often. The urge to stand up and go for a walk was overwhelming, and her feet fidgeted and tapped beneath the white sheet. Suddenly the drowsiness that had filled her before, disappeared and got replaced with a restless energy.

Minutes quickly became an hour. She tried to entertain herself by trying to think of how she and the strawberry-blond boy had met, but that quickly became too confusing.

Finally Camilla gave in. "Biana?!" she shouted. As unsavory as talking to someone who looked at her like she was a ghost was, being alone with her thoughts was worse. Camilla would rather stab herself with steak knife.

"Camilla?" she heard Biana's muffled voice yell back. The clipped sound of heals on crystal quickly followed.

She burst into the room, breathing heavily. "Are you okay?" she gasped out. Sweet spades.

"Yeah," Camilla responded, bewildered. "I was just bored and wanted someone to talk to."

Biana froze, and for a second Camilla thought she was going to be mad. Then, almost out of no where, she burst out laughing. Hesitantly at first, Camilla cracked a smile. Before she knew it, however, she was laughing too. She didn't know why it was so funny, but it was.

When they finally stopped to breathe, Camilla's chest ached in more than one way. Even though she couldn't remember, she knew it had been a long time since she had laughed like that.

"I can't believe you-" Biana giggled, "I thought a T-rex was eating your leg off or something."

"I was so bored that it felt like it," she joked. It was easy, somehow, to talk with Biana. Though she didn't remember her, Biana felt familiar.

"Well, I'm at your service." Biana spread her arms extravagantly.

Camilla smiled. "And I thank you graciously for it," she declared.

"So what do you want to talk about?"

"Can you tell me about Elwin, and Fitz, and the red headed guy?" she asked, desperate for information. Biana looked a little surprised at her question, but quickly answered it.

"Uh, sure," she replied. "Well, first of all, Fitzy-poo is my brother." Camilla snorted at the nickname. "Elwin is a physician. He's awesome, by the way. He's brought Sophie back from the dead so many times-"

"Sophie?" Camilla interjected.

"Oh! You've haven't met Sophie yet!" Biana exclaimed. "She's actually a lot like you, except she was 'created' by the Black Swan and you were..."


"Nevermind." A beat of silence passed.

Camilla frowned. Something was tickling at the back of her brain. She concentrated, but the itch was gone as soon as it came. This insanity was becoming a bit of a problem. Shaking her head to clear it, she reminded herself to focus on the matter at hand.

"Sooo... the red-head?" she asked.

"Oh yeah!" Biana said, clearly grateful for the subject change. "Dex! He's around your age, actually. He's a supercool technopath, but he thinks it isn't awesome for some reason." She snorted as if the very thought of technology not being amazing was ridiculous. "He's had a mega crush on Sophie since like- forever." Subtle jealousy tinged the statement.

"You have a crush on him?" As soon as the question left her lips she regretted it. It was none of her business who Biana liked or didn't like.

"What? No! We're just friends!" Biana exclaimed, her voice a touch too high to be believable. Camilla raised her eyebrows.

"Really?" she asked, unconvinced.

"Really," Biana emphasized. "Can we please stop talking about this?"

"Fine..." she raised her hands in surrender.


For the next hour, all they did was talk. Mostly about all of Biana's super amazing, super powerful friends. She didn't mind though. It was way better than being bored. Wayyyy better.

After a while Biana stood up. "Sorry, but I have to go now," she said apologetically. "I have to go to a meeting." A meeting? What?

"For what?" she asked, curiously. What kind of meeting did teens like Biana attend? Maybe if she had her memories back, she would have an explanation, but unfortunately, that was not the case.

Biana hesitated. "I'm not sure if I'm supposed to tell you." What was that supposed to mean? Did it have to do with the 'Black Swan' that she had mentioned?


"It's just-" Biana was already moving towards the door, "It's kind of classified."

"Wait!" she protested, but she was gone.

Well that was strange, Camilla thought. She didn't have a clue why she would have to go to a meeting; she didn't even know Biana's last name, let alone her 'classified' activities.

Also, Biana hadn't said anything about having to go anywhere during their entire conversation. That had to be considered a little strange, right? Even if she couldn't tell her what it was for, she could at least cue her into the fact that it existed. Maybe she had just made the meeting up as an excuse to stop talking to Camilla? Was her question about text that invasive that she made her uncomfortable? The thought didn't sit well with her.

There was no way to get answers to her questions. She sighed and flopped dramatically back onto her pillow. Back to being bored again. Great.

Question of the day (🚨spoiler alert🚨): Would you rather have Calla or Kenric back from the dead?

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