Chapter 4: Stuffed Animals and hidden secrets

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Hi guys! 👋🏼 Shoutout to @65bookworm and @foreverabookreader for being super supportive about this story. This chapter is mostly fluffy stuff and a transition to what's going to happen next... but it's emotional support animals and you can't go wrong with that. Also the picture is MY stuffed animals, because I have no shame and they are adorable.

Where we left off in case you forgot:

"Yeah... also, you still haven't told me where I am."

"Can't you guess? You're at Foxfire's healing center."

Dex's POV

"I'm guessing you're not the doctor though," Camilla joked. Dex smiled. It was nice to know that she had a sense of humor. He had been staying at the healing center since Alden told him that it was too risky to sneak him into Atlantis. That was where Sophie and her mysterious human sister were staying. He ached to go check on her and make sure she was doing okay. Then he remembered she had no romantic interest in him. The thought sobered him. It doesn't matter, he told himself firmly. Besides, now he got to meet the other new girl. Camilla.

"Nope. Elwin is. You're going to love him," Dex replied. "Oh, I almost forgot! Elwin got us both stuffed animals!"

Camilla furrowed her eyebrows. "Stuffed animals?" Clearly, she did not understand how cool they were. Dex nodded eagerly.

"Yeah! Trust me, like, everyone has one," Dex continued, "Sophie has Ella the elephant, Fitz has Mr. Snuggles the dinosaur, Keefe has Mrs. Stinkbottom the Gulon... You get the picture." Camilla stifled a giggle. "I'm serious!" Dex protested. "Once you have your stuffed animal, there's no going back." That only made Camilla laugh harder.

"He's right," a familiar voice said.

"Elwin!" Dex exclaimed. Elwin laughed and walked towards him with his hands behind his back.

"I do find that a good cuddle buddy makes everything better, and Dex has been
secretly asking me for one for ages," Elwin teased good-naturedly. Dex blushed a little but didn't really mind. It was true, after all.

"I myself have Stinky the Stegosaurus, I'll have to show you him sometime," he said to Camilla.

"I guess," Camilla said shyly. She seemed reluctant to admit that she was going to be staying in the Lost Cities.

Elwin appeared unfazed by Camilla's unenthusiastic response. "Look, I get that this is a big transition for you, and you've been doing super well," he lowered his voice, "But it's okay to break down, and have emotions."

Camilla's expression morphed to one of surprise, then sadness, then... Nothing.

"I'm fine," she said, obviously not fine. Elwin looked at her with sympathy.

"Well," Elwin said, breaking the awkward silence, "Camilla, I'm going to need to do a physical to make sure your cells aren't too damaged."

"Do we still get our stuffed animals?" Dex asked.

"Of course," Elwin emphasized his words, finally bringing his arms out from behind his back. In one hand was a fluffy purple ball with sparkles all over it. After closer examination Dex noticed six legs poking out and two black eyes embroidered next to each other. Dex already thought Tomples were cute but this brought it to the next level.

In Elwin's other hand was a much more recognizable animal: a gremlin. He was neon orange and covered in the softest looking fuzz imaginable.

"Meet Sir Sneaky Hugs and Captain Snarky Butt," Elwin announced proudly. Camilla's mouth formed a perfect "o" in adoration.

"They're so cute!!!" she fangirled. "Which one is mine?" Dex smiled. She was so adorably enthused. He realized he was staring and turned his head away to hide his blush.

"I figured I'd let you guys choose," Elwin grinned; it was clear Camilla's smile had a positive effect on anyone's mood. She turned to him.

"Wh-" she started to ask.

"You can take first pick," he told her. She smiled at him. Her curls bobbed up and down as she studied the animals.

"I guess I'll take... ugh how am I ever going to be able to choose?" Camilla sighed. Dex agreed: Sir Sneaky Hugs and Captain Snarky Butt were both equally fabulous.

"Take your time," Elwin suggested, "But while your at it, drink this Youth bottle." He set the tomple and gremlin on Camilla's cot and handed her the bottle of youth.

"Okay, fine by me," she agreed, still enchanted by the animals. She barely seemed to notice when Elwin snapped his fingers to make glowing orbs of colored light appear.

"Hmm..." Elwin murmured. He studied her arms, back, even her feet. Dex's stomach cramped with worry. What if something was wrong? he worried. Even though he had just met her, he could already tell that he wanted to be friends with her. Elwin switched the colors of his lights and looked again. Finally Dex couldn't take it anymore.

"What's wrong?" he asked. Camilla's head popped up.

"That's the thing," Elwin's eyebrows scrunched together in confusion. "Her cells should be a mess right now, but... she looks fine. Sure, her lungs have some damage from pollution, but considering she grew up with humans... I'm not going to lie, I expected a lot worse."

"Isn't that a good thing though?" Dex asked, "Why do you look so worried?"

"I'm just really confused," Elwin said. "I may need to run more tests." Camilla blanched. Dex looked at her in surprise.

"Don't tell me you have a doctor phobia too!" he exclaimed.

"Of course I don't! It's just..." she trailed off. She bit her lip.

"Just what?" Dex pressed. Camilla looked like she was about to start crying. He immediately felt bad. "It's okay, you don't have to tell me."

An awkward beat of silence hung in the air, waiting to be shattered.

Camilla hugged Captain Snarky Butt (the Tomple) to her chest. "I choose this one," she said. It took Dex a moment to realize she was talking about the stuffed animal.

"That means you get Sir Sneaky Hugs," Elwin said, obviously trying to raise the mood. Dex grabbed the tangerine-colored gremlin.

"How to you come up with these names anyway?" he asked, genuinely curious.

"A magician never reveals his secrets," Elwin smiled then turned his attention back to Camilla.

"I get you're probably super stressed right now, and that's okay. Just know I'm here to help and you can always talk to Dex if that makes you more comfortable. I also asked Della Vacker to get you a nexus, registry pendant, and some more clothes," Elwin walked over to Camilla's cot and put a hand on her shoulder.

Camilla took a deep, steadying breath and nodded. "Thanks."

"I know your probably still really tired, and if I had it my way you would have a week to get settled, but the council is insisting that you meet with them in an hour," Elwin said apologetically, "Do you think you can do that?"

Her gray-blue eyes cleared of worry and fear and filled with determination.

"Of course."

Thanks as always for reading this far! I'm updating as fast as I can. Comment any suggestions you have and I'll post again in a couple of days.

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