Give it a shot

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Honestly it was all the dumb swimmer's fault.
Toko was sitting on her bed with her laptop on her lap, thinking about just what the hell she was going to write. She didn't even know why she agreed, it definitely wasn't her overwhelming want to leave her comfort zone. She scoffed, it probably was because the classmate insisted so much and she just wanted her to be quiet.

Or she got distracted by her boobs, who knows. 
She could just not do it, but she never thought of working with already established content, it had some potential to be a good exercise. She pondered, well, a good while ago she read one of those teen epic books, and i had an awful ending, maybe she could rewrite it and at least mock the medium a little. And so she went to the kitchen, making the effort to avoid passing through one of her mothers, made herself some tea, and got to work. 

As to be expected of the ultimate writing prodigy, in a short span of time, there it was, an alternative version of the book's finale covering every flaw, plot hole and thematic inconsistencies, that was... a complete waste of her time, that really wasn't for her. She groaned and posted the story anyway, at least Aoi would shut up about it.

At least it was a warm up, she got up from her bed and sat on her writing desk to actually write something decent, she always preferred paper over writing digitally. Toko tossed one of Jack's scissors that was on the desk and got to drafting some ideas, letting herself get immersed in her work. 
She only noticed that some hours passed because her phone vibrating shook her out of her trance. The girl reached for it, and it actually had more notifications, which was uncommon. She frowned, going through them, and surely there was Aoi's comment on it, very excited about Toko taking her advice, the writer rolled her eyes, but answered nicely. There was a someone else's comment though, that didn't seem to be from one of her classmates.

"ShoujoToast: wow!! what a twist! this is so much better than the original, and i really like this book, we were so robbed ;o;"
Toko snorted, the person sounded so naive, it was almost cute. She dismissed the notification and got ready to bed, even if it was silly, getting compliments on her writing always made her feel a bit less like garbage. The phone buzzed once more as she got to bed, it was a direct message, from the same person who commented on her story.
"ShoujoToast: Hey!! Sorry to disturb, but i've never read such a good story here! Do you plan on writing more? Could you possibly share some tips? (〃▽〃)"

The way they wrote could give Toko a migraine, was this person mocking her? Was it some kind of prank? Nobody is nice like that.
"TiredWriter0: Are you being serious?
ShoujoToast: of course! i loved your writing so much, i wanna write fanfic well like you ٩(◦'꒳'◦)۶"
  The ultimate cringed, but the person didn't seem to have bad intentions. She sighed, she surely was being way too nice today. 
Toko gave the user some advice, at least the best she could, her writing mostly came from her need to express her repressed feelings, and it only became so good because she was literally never satisfied. 

"ShoujoToast: Tysm!! 
TiredWriter0: It's okay, i hope these weren't too awful.
TiredWriter0: At least i wasn't useless.
ShoujoToast: waa, of course not!!
ShoujoToast: you are so nice and talented, you should be proud!" 
Proud huh? She wouldn't admit it, but that actually made her happy. 
Toko spend some more time talking to Shoujo, as she started to call her, learned she was a girl, an inspiring mangaka, and seemed to really want to stand out. The writer didn't say much about herself, still not trusting the stranger, but she did like the indirect company.
Maybe writing a stupid fanfic wasn't all that bad.

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