Out of her world

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All Toko knew was negative attention, ever since she was born, people didn't simply like her or were nice, from her parents, to class friends or past crushes, she was always just the weirdo, the useless waste of space. So she eventually stopped falling for it when people were acting all nice with her, she knew what was coming, she wasn't going to just sit and wait for the humiliation, so she was the first to do it, to draw people away from her. Which, then made her feel worse, she would never allow herself to get close to people, and even though she always said the opposite, she knew Byakuya would never be with her, but at least she had something to dream about.

And that was the same for her very, very chatty classmates, she didn't hate them, not at all, but she did act like it, her rudeness eventually got them to leave her be and stay alone, she was lucky her class didn't have overly friendly people like some other classes. Well, at least it was true for most of them.
"Toko! I read your fic, it was so good! I'm gonna show to all my friends." Aoi stood in front of her desk, and with her, Aoi's big shadow, Sakura.
The writer frowned. "D-don't you dare relate my name to that crap."

"But you wrote it and it's very good!"

"It's true, Aoi showed it to me, and it was very well made." The white haired girl agreed.
Toko blushed, "i-i only did it so you would shut up about it!" She groaned. "But t-thanks, i guess." 

The other two glanced at each other, already used to their complicated friend. They smiled at her and left to be with the other students.
Now alone, Toko, traded some messages with Shoujo, just simple things, like her complaining about waking up early, or excited about some new manga issue. 

"You should try it, it's such a gooood manga"

"pfft you can give it to me in my deathbed."

"that's awful haha"

The ultimate rolled her eyes, she was so simple, but she found some comfort in it, among abusive parents and extravagant ultimates, it was actually... nice having someone normal to talk to, someone to talk to, she didn't feel so shy behind a phone screen, so she was enjoying this more than she was willing to admit. 

And speaking of the extravagant pests.
"Oh so you think you're so much better than me!" 

Toko sighed, exasperated, and turned to the scene unfolding. Junko was standing in front of Celeste's desk and slammed her hand on top of it, the latter had her hand over her chest faking shock. 
"I 'think'? Oh, sweetheart, i am."
"I'm Junko fuckin' Enoshima, the ultimate fashionista, you wish you could!"
"Oh." The gambler giggled. "But why would i? Your personality is just like your style, lacking." She smiled, sickly sweet. The other students cheered, some very loudly, and some silently. Mukuro facepalmed sitting in her desk behind her sister's, as if she wished she didn't know her.

"Say that again, doll face!" Junko roared, her cheeks were red, and she bent forward, approaching her face from the other girl's menacingly. Celeste didn't back off, their noses touched.
Toko groaned and stood up to leave, they were so noisy. She left the class of agitated students behind to leave the building and stay on the external area. 
She noticed though that someone else was soon behind her.
"Hey, Toko."
"Naegi? Didn't want to stay and watch the divas make out?" A malicious smile creeped across her face. 
He snickered shyly, "not really, but that's not why i left."
The girl wasn't interest enough to ask why, until they arrived in the main hall and she saw someone she didn't know standing there.

She didn't look like an ultimate, much on the contrary, she looked as normal as she could be. There was something about this girl, Toko couldn't put her finger on it, that made her stop on her tracks and swallow, she was, admittedly, cute... What?
The girl beamed when she noticed Makoto, "big brother!" They both hugged. I was still staring at her, like a creep. The boy turned to me, "oh, you haven't met yet, right?" Her attention turned to Toko too.
"Toko, this is my little sister, Komaru."

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