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Luna's POV

I was able to sneak out of the house. As I was walking to the skate park my phone rang. I picked it up after 3 rings. "Hello?" I asked. "Hey is this Luna? It's Jack. From the skate park." The person said. "Hey it is Luna . Are you ok? When you fell in the bowl it looked like it hurt." I asked. "Oh I just hurt my wrist a bit but I'm all good." His wonderful voice rang through the phone. "Wait how did you get my phone number?" I asked. "Oh yeah it was on the bottom of your board." I forgot I did that. "Oh right. When could I meet you to get it back?" I asked. I really need it. It's the only way I can get away from Chad. "Oh um if your free now you can come to my house." He kinda asked. "Oh yeah sure I can." I was really nervous. "Cool I'll text you my address. See you soon!"he super happy. I hung up and my phone buzzed with a new text.

*Time skip*

I walk up to this big house. 'woah he's rich' I think to myself. I walk up and knock on the door. I step back and look at the big house. In what looks to be the side yard there is a little skate ramp. 'cool'. I was ripped out of my thoughts by the door swinging open. There is a short boy with spiked brown hair. "Hi?" I more asked. "JACK YOUR GIRLFRIEND IS HERE!" He yells. I blush so hard. I see Jack running to the boy yelling "ZACH YOUR DEAD!" I guess his name is Zach. "Hi Luna! Please ignore Zach. He's stupid." He tells me. "Hehe it's ok." I laugh. "Oh come on in I'll go get your board!" Jack says. He walks off leaving me and Zach at the door. Zach gestures for me to walk inside. I walk in and look around. I see what looks like a video game room. Here are 3 guys playing some game looking really into it. I see Jack running down the stairs with my board and another in his hands. "Hey Luna want to go to a park?" He askes with a smile on his face. Damn it. I can't go to the one we meet at or Chad will find me. "Um-" he cut me off "let's not go to the one we meet at." Phew. "Yea let's go!" I happly said. "BOYS IM GOING OUT!" He yelled as we are walking out "GET SOME JACK" I heard someone yell as I shut the door. (Definitely not Zach) We skate all the way to the park. We walk in and I look around to know who is here.

As we skate we talk. I learned that Jack in in a band called Why Don't We. The other boys in the house were his band mates. After about and hour I realize that Chad could wake up any minute. FUCK I have to get home. "Hey Jack I have to go home. My boyfriend is about to wake up." I say walking twords the door. He looks kinda said then mad. "Wait that guy from yesterday?" He asks. SHIT he's not gonna let me go home. Well I should tell him the truth. "Y-yea." I studder. "Yea your not got home with him!" He yells. He walks me back to his house. We go in and lay on the chouch. I end up falling asleep in his arms. I feel safe.


Well that was alot!

The Two Skateboarders • Jack AveryWhere stories live. Discover now