Untitled Part 1

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Day 1

Todays a wonderful day for flying or so I thought. I was traveling with 13 other people to Russia for our Running Wild Russian Circus act when our plane crashed. The planes engine was destroyed before we knew what was happening. I guess I was knocked out for a few days because I woke up alone with a huge tiger sniffing at my now not unconscious body. The pain in my head is killing me. Wait… Where is everybody. Where’s my stuff. Hey there’s one person. No idea who it is but he has a giant hole in his head and bones sticking out. Looks sort of dead… Poor Chap looks young. Still where is Caleb, my business partner. His body isn’t in the ruins so he probably survived the crash.

The tiger is pretty nice. He’s not eating me and for that I’m glad. I think I’ll call him Sam after my cat at home. I think he likes the name Sam. He looked at me when I said it at least. I think I’m going crazy. I mean I’m literally petting a wild beast known for eating human flesh.

Looks like night is falling. Better stop talking to Sam because I need to get some sleep. Good Night Sam. Please…


Day 2,

Suns up and it’s a fresh,new day with absolutely no food. I guess Sam’s not a Human Eater like his ancestors because I’m still breathing. I’m also sweating. In the middle of the night Sam literally sat down on me like I was a cat bed and I couldn’t move a mussel. Well off to find some type of food so I won’t starve to death and so Sam won’t eat me.

Well found some mangos. Sam is actually eating them. Is he a vegetarian? I’m also a vegetarian.I haven’t eaten any meat for 3 years except for chicken because they deserve to DIE! I am going crazy. Well lets begin to search for the others that survived. I couldn’t find 7 peoples bodies so I know people survived. I think Lucas survived. He was a famous trapeze artist. He owed me money though. Zack was his assistant. He also owed me money.


Day 3,

Well found a pit of vipers and it looks like someone fell in so theres one of the survivors. It really looked far down. Found a pack with nothing in it though.

I really am tired. Sam’s letting me ride on his back. He is sooo soft. Feels like I’m floating. Well time for bed. Absolutely no more food.


Day 4,

I now officially hate Lucas. Yeah I know he was annoying before but what he did was unforgivable. he actually ran away when I finally found him picking bananas with MY BAG ON HIS BACK!!! He actually stole my stuff when I was unconscious back when the plane crashed and is using my stuff and eating my snacks. I remember I had a bag of spicy,hot,chili nachos in my bag and those are delicious. HE NEEDS TO DIE!

I guess it’s okay (he still needs to die ‘3’) since I’m now doing a lot better. I mean I have food now since Lucas dropped all of the mangos, bananas, and pineapples he had in his arms when I scared him off. All I need now is a shelter because it looks like a rainstorm is coming. I’m going to spend the day looking for a cave or something because yes a storm is coming and it sounds brutal. I don’t want to die from pneumonia so I need somewhere to stay. I’ll keep looking see u tomorrow strange people in my brain.


Day 5

I finally found a “shelter” thats big enough for me and Sam. It’s a run down hut that Sam found. It’s not really run down because there’s only one window missing and a hole in the roof. There is a furnace type thing to cook in and a “bed” thats really just two really thick blankets on top of each other. Theres also an axe which will probably come in handy.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2015 ⏰

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