Chapter 9

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It was dusk when I finished healing soldiers for the day. A lot of them would need more sessions, but it was an improvement.
When General Fong heard of my stay, he kept trying to convince me to get Aang to master the Avatar State when I meet them at Omashu and return to his outpost. Just to shut him up, I agreed.
They let me stay in the same room that all of us slept in nights before. It felt different with just me there.
I unpacked what little I had and laid on my same bottom bunk.
Now a nervous habit, I started fidgeting with my mother's cuff.
I really didn't know how I would find Aang, Katara, and Sokka after I finish here.
I felt like I had to stay though. We were the reason half of these soldiers were injured.
I was torn from my thoughts by a knock on my door.

"Come in." I said sitting up on my bed.

"Just couldn't get enough of me, could you?" Tarou leaned against the frame.

I laughed. "I'm here to help heal the rest of the soldiers. Don't worry I'll be out of your hair soon."

"I don't want you out of my hair anytime soon."
Tarou was stepping into my room now. I don't know why I was so nervous.

"I can only afford two, maybe three days max away from my friends."
I was staring at his green eyes as he towered over me. I felt so small. I guess I didn't realize how tall he was. I was definitely blushing. Why did he do this to me?

"Okay.. did you eat dinner yet?" He grabbed my wrists, leading me towards the door.

I giggled and let out a "No."

We walked down to where they were serving dinner to the healthy soldiers. They weren't that many of us.
I realized how uncomfortable I was with everything except Tarou.

"You know since we only have two days you kinda have to tell me everything about you a million times faster." He said while eating his rice.

I just smiled. "Same applies for you, Tarou. I'm not the only one spilling."

He laughed. "Well...I come from a small village. My family owns a farm. I have a little brother named Lee who kept saying he wants to fight in the war with me but..." suddenly Tarou got serious.
"I just worry about him. I have to return home to him."

I put my hand over his.
"You're a good older brother. You'll make it home safely."

He smiled. "Your turn, where were you before you joined The Avatar?"

"Oh. Um.. well I lived in the North Pole with my uncle Chief Arnook and my cousin Yue. I really didn't do much. I took healing lessons from our tribal healer and I trained every night."

"What about your parents?"

"They're dead." I said bluntly.
"I don't wanna talk about it."

He nodded and continued eating his dinner.

"No boys lining up to marry a princess?" He teased.

I laughed a little. "No, none of them were good enough. For me or Yue."

"Oh so what exactly is good enough for you?" He leaned forward from his bench.
I flicked a piece of rice at him.

"You'll find out soon."

He sighed and then smiled.

We finished up dinner and headed to our separate quarters.
At least I had Tarou while I was here.


I missed Sakai.
We decided to land by a river to practice water bending and set up camp since Appa was getting tired.
Usually Sakai would help me set up but since she was gone, I did most of that by myself. The boys help, but only to the minimalist degree.

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