Hope in a Life

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Found myself deep in pain
Uncaressed sorrow inside me doth reign
Held my head up and curved a smile
Knowing it has just been the first mile.

Life treated me bad
Weary, I marched to this void sod
With a bleeding heart, cried out to my Creator
In His name, never would I surrender.

To life's war, we fight
We fight the battle between the shadows and light
We fall, we break
In fear we tremble, we shake.

Life has never been fair
Life has never been a crystal stair
But the show must go on
To the unyielding hope we must hold on.

Forever grateful to the pouring rain
For tears weren't shed in vain
I have found my true comfort
Amidst this gloomy world of distort.

I will be waiting for that fair time
Where true happiness will forever sublime
A time where all the lies will vanish
And we will stand pure...
and unblemished.

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