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Under the silent night a woman with long and luscious black hair who wears a fair skin that glints so pretty under the moonlight, kneels down infront of a lit up altar that has a bowl of special crushed herbs, two pair of candles ( two candles mix with gold while the other two is mix with coal ) and a perfectly line up of incense sticks on a wooden stand.

The woman whispered incoherent words under her breath as a soft wind blew from the only window into the room towards her, she then gasp in glee, her lip forms a sweet smile while her jeweled colored eyes started to form tears and now drips down on her soft cheeks.

She looks down and gently caress near her stomach under her dress, her tears wetting the clothing.

Suddenly a girl's voice spoke behind her, a youthful girl by the age of 20 walked through an entrance covered by a thick red curtain, wearing a two piece dress colored only in black and nothing else.

"Mistress? what's the matter? are you not well? has the gods showed you a bad omen?". she ask kneeling beside the woman, putting her clawed hand that has black paimted nails on her mistress shoulder as her other hand carefully wipe the tears.

"Nothing". she sniffs and smiles before holding her familiar's hand and place it over the flat stomach. "Nothing yet".

The familiar's eyes widen before her whole form poof, a cloud formed around her then a black cat jump from it, gently pouncing on the woman and paws her stomach before mewling and nuzzling it while purring in delight.

The woman laughs her voice surrounding the room then she quite down and start petting the black cat, sighing and looking over the open window seeing the moon shined brighter for her as a lone crystal butterfly flutter through the window.

The white shinning insect landed on her stomach before disappearing leaving glitters making the black cat sneeze as the woman laugh.

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The woman from before now lies on the bed as beads of sweat drips down her face as she whimpers in pain grasping tightly on the bedding under her.

The familiar now beside her perfectly perform a magic incantation as golden strips came out from her palm and glide down at the woman's round belly, the magic entered her making the woman sigh in relief before taking deep breaths and started to push her baby out.

The cat girl quickly move under the dress of the woman to help her mistress deliver the yet to be infant.

Few hours past, the familiar gently and carefully hold a now clean up baby in her arms as she wraps them up in a warm white blanket.

The woman patiently waits while catching her breath on the bed where she lies.

The girls walk towards the bed and pass the wrap up baby to their mother before cleaning the mess around them.

The woman now mother smiles down the sleeping baby in her arms, she kisses and nuzzles the Little's cheek slowly making them open their eyes, the moment the two of their eyes connect both of their hearts beat in sync making the mother cry in joy and her child laugh from the happiness they felt.

The teen on the side stared at the two together feeling content from seeing her mistress happy.

The mother leaned back to the pillow behind her when she feel her heart beat slow down, she tighten her hold on her child, slowly moving them to her chest as she completely lays down on the bed, looking up she catches her familiar's eyes then motioning her to come closer.

As she sits down the mother held her hand but never said anything for the cat girl only shook her head and rub her thumbs on the mother's hand.

"May the gods give you the price you deserve and my past ancestors guide you to the afterlife mistress". she whispers holding the child as the hold of the mother loosen, cradling the sleepy infant she looks at her mistress, her chest stoping it's raise and fall, her skin turning pale by the second and her eyes forever closed.

She took a hold of the clean white comforter and slowly drape it over the cold body before leaving the room.

Walking away from the small wooden cabin, the familiar steps into the wide clearing that the house stands in, talking a deep breath she stood in the middle her eyes still closed.

Suddenly white fog seeps from the forest that surrounds the glade before growls and black masses came outside from the darkness.

She opens her eyes as a dark aura leaves her form, she tightly holds the baby in her arms putting a deafning magic on the baby as she watches her shadown slice, stab and rips every monster that tries to reach her and the baby.

Looking up to the moon, she patiently waited not listening to the chaos around her, now before her the sun emerges, the light peaking from the leaves of the trees, as a light touches the infants sleeping face they slowly glow with a golden light around their body before disappearing.

She looks down and smiled before walking back passing the dead and evaporating bodies of the monsters, she enters their humble abode before closing the wooden door the soft thud resonating around the glade.


Whooo man trying to write old style English hurts my head ugh! welp this is the new My little prince 2.0 the last one was kinda moving towards incest even if I said it wasn't I re-read it again and it was really lookin like it was even if the wizad lookin ass daddy was 'adopted' it left a bad taste in my mouth besides I think someone pointed it out so I just fixed a new one I guess.



To be Continued

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2021 ⏰

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