Chapter 2

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You woke up from your rather strange dream last night. Rubbing your eyes, you tried to put all the pieces in your mind about the entire dream. Usually, you never remember having dreams, but today you got lucky. You dreamt about you and Yakko cuddling under the blankets in your own bed. The weirdest part about it was that you two started to get a little freaky under there too, even though you just met the guy yesterday. You were just glad that it didn't lead to third base, although you'd probably like getting there sooner or later.

"Oh, who am I kidding, we probably wouldn't even get anywhere near second base," you said out loud. Shrugging off the thought, you looked at your phone. It was only 11 AM on a Saturday. You didn't have any plans besides drawing or texting to strangers on discord. Your phone lit up and you got a text message from Yakko himself. "Huh, forgot I gave him my number," you thought to yourself. In the text, Yakko asked you if you wanted to hang out tonight, just you two. You answered, of course!!, meet you there. You quickly got out of your bed and showered and did whatever you could do to make yourself look presentable. 

Yakko's POV

After 3 hours of pep talks and pleadings, his sibs forced Yakko to ask you to hang out for the day. He was a little terrified, considering the fact he has a full-on crush on you. Which his siblings also noticed all the little hints he gave out during the time he spent with you last night. That made them pressure him into talking to you, even though he thought you didn't really like him all that much. You were really hard to read sometimes.

"Okay Yakko, all you have to do is act smooth and hide your nervousness," Dot said.

"Don't act like all clown-like you usually do with girls that you actually like. You know I hate clowns" said Wakko.

"OH OH OH!! Also, give her plenty of compliments. Girls really like those"

"Also take her out for dinner. Everyone likes food, especially me"

"We know Wakko," said Yakko and Dot, rolling their eyes at him.

Wakko death glared at them and ate the cup he was using for water.

"Alright, it's almost 3 PM, go get her tiger!" "And don't forget your flower!"

"See you guys later tonight" Yakko called out as he took the flower out of Wakko's hand and climbed down the water tower. 

The sun flashed in his eyes when he turned around and stepped on the ground. The gorgeous blue and orange sunset in the sky reminded him of you. His cheeks warmed up and he walked on the way to the fence where he first met you.

Your POV

After looking at yourself in the mirror, you picked off a piece of fuzz on your striped blouse and brushed off your black leggings. You put on your shoes, grabbed your phone, and headed off. You told your parents that you were hanging out with a friend till 10 PM, and they let you do so. You didn't tell them the full details because they would make fun of you for hanging out with a boy. Walking outside, you mentally prepared yourself for Yakko, making sure you just had to be yourself in front of him. When you got to the fence you saw him leaned against it, looking at the sky with his shiny black and white eyes. He held a dazed but lightly flushed expression, and he haven't even noticed you were behind him when you called out his name.

"Hi Yakko"

He stood up and turned around to look at you, looking flustered and embarrassed. "Oh geez, I was really thinking, sorry about that! Hi y/n, I have something for ya" Yakko said, handing you a light blue daisy.  You blushed and gently took it out of his gloved hand, "Awhhhh thank you hun, it's so pretty" "Anything for you y/n" Yakko said, placing the daisy into your hair and brushing some pieces out of your face. He fell into your gaze and then you broke the moment. "Alright so, what are we gonna do?" you asked.  Yakko cleared his throat, "I'm gonna take you out for ice cream silly, I told ya that" he said. You forgot all about the plan. "OHHHH, hell yeah. I'll be able to eat it on the same spoon as you-" you paused, just now noticing about what you just said. Yakko snickered under his breath as you stood there in a heated mess, looking at the ground.

"Oh y/n, you're so weird, it's cute" Yakko replied, then now just realizing that he himself has said too much. You raised an eyebrow at him and smiled. "I guess you can't stop yakkin either" you said, putting a hand on your hip and making a talking sign with the other. He facepalmed and took my hand into his.

"I'll stop yakkin if you start whackin~"

At that point you looked like a blushing, laughing, sweaty mess, covering your mouth with your hands and crying inside.  You finally answered him after you calmed down with a low, whispered voice and put your mouth close to his ear

"Only if you'll let me~"

Now this made Yakko look defeated as you saw him turn into an actual puddle. Moments later he took his body an molded himself back up, making sure he was back into his shape. "Yknow, you never needed to hit me with that remark THAT hard, now did ya?" Yakko said, gently grabbing your jaw and putting your face close to his. You smiled at this and took his hand into yours.  "Oh yes I did, only because you started it. And geez, are you into some kinky stuff or what?" You asked, making a snarky expression at him.  Yakko stared at you wide eyed, thinking of what to say to you without making anything weird. "Uhhhhhhh, you don't need to know anything right now" He said, winking at you. "Now are you ready to go get ice cream?"

"You bet Yakko."


but if you do read this, thank you. it means a lot to me <3

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