Chapter 1

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You stood up from your desk after a long day of biology homework. You checked your phone and looked at the time. "8:30st PM, eh? Well, I should take a walk, I need some fresh air anyways" You stretched and began to put on your shoes. You left the house and slipped on your favorite hoodie because it was cold as hell. You lived in Burbank, CA. You had friends, got decent grades, and had a nice life in general. The only thing that you ever wanted was something interesting to happen in your life. Let's face it, life gets boring. You being 14 was worse enough. Walking on the sidewalk, you stopped, looked in front of you, and gasped. You were so busy in your feels that you didn't even notice the giant gate 2 inches across from your view. "Jesus", you thought. Suddenly out of nowhere, 3 crazy cartoon characters dashed in front of you. You realized they were the zany kids who lived in the Warner Bros water tower.

"Who ARE you?" they asked. "Uhhhhh, I'm Y/N, what about you?" you shot back. "I'm Yakko" exclaimed the tallest sibling. "I'm Wakko!" said the middle child. "And I'm Dot, call me Dottie and you die" said the youngest sibling. The 4 of you chatted for a while, making friends and getting flirty side stares from Yakko. You looked at your phone to see that it was 10 PM. "It was great meeting you guys, but I kinda need to get home..." You said. The siblings frowned. "But we just met you!!" they called. "And I would like to get to know ya more~" Yakko slurred. You blushed and looked away from him. "That's a tomato if I have ever seen one!" said Wakko. Dot laughed and you started to get flustered. "Okay guys, I'm serious, I need to get home before my parents get worried" you stammered. "Awwwhhh" they pouted. You sighed, "I can meet with you guys later, does that sound like a plan?" "YES!" they shouted. "Okay, cya guys later" You started to walk away but you felt a gloved hand gently grab your arm. "Hold on doll, I have something for ya" Yakko gave you a passionate kiss on the cheek. Your cheeks warmed up. You tried to say something, but before you could, he added, "Catch ya on the flipside babe."

During the walk home, you thought about what just happened. You had a crush on a cartoon character. You just couldn't believe it. You wondered if that kiss actually meant something. Whatever it was, you heated up and smiled warmly. When you got up to the front door of your home, your parents were asleep. "Thank god, they would have grounded my ass," you thought to yourself as you started to take off your shoes and dress into more comfortable clothes. Getting in your bed you looked up at the bright, full moon. You smiled and dozed off into dreamland.

Thank you all for reading this!! I know it's very, very cringy, but eh, who cares lmao. Hope you have a good night/day!!

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