~chapter 2~

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Chapter 2: the rock fight

We all stood there awkwardly Stan doesn't usually speak up unless he is annoyed but to save us all from Stan's intellectual rafe I did what any good friend would do and awnsered for all of us, "yeah stan!" I say trying not to say the wrong thing "yeah who doesn't love splashing around in shitty water!, Can't we go to the quarry?" Richie said in a dreadful voice "he has a p-p-point s-stan." Bill stuttered
"Fine!" Stan said rolling his eyes

(Stan's perspective)

"Are we going to the barrens or not!" I asked after walking in on Richie and Amie about to have a makeout session
"Yeah Stan!" Amie said breaking the silence "yeah who doesn't love splashing around in shitty water! Can't we go to the quarry?" Richie said in an annoying voice
"He has a p-p-point s-stan." Bill stuttered trying not to disappoint anyone "Fine!" I said rolling my eyes I didn't like change that's why I didn't want to go to the quarry we have a schedule barrens of Fridays quarry on Saturday and the arcade on Sunday but I guess that didn't apply to summer holidays

(Amie's perspective)

We all left for the quarry me being on the back of Richie's bike made it harder for all of us "hey Richard want to stop at mine and grab my bike?" I asked him "awhh but I'm enjoying having a cute girl holding onto my chest." He said faking a sad face "fine how about tomorrow we can get it?" I asked trying to compromise "I'm joking we can go get it hot stuff!" He said smirking "we will catch up guys we have to stop by Amie's house!" Richie shouted. We took the next turn down Jackson Street pulling into my driveway I quickly grabbed my bike for the side of the house and brought it around to the front of the house "okay cutie let's go!" Richie yelled "your being more flirtatious than usual?" I say
"No I'm just being extra friendly to someone who is extra hot!" Richie said winking "oh shut up richie" I say getting on my bike and riding off richie followed me to the quarry when we arrived I saw Bill, Stan and Eddie standing in their tighty-whites "wh-o's f-ir-st?" Bill asked "I'll go I say taking of my floral dress and running of the cliff into the water blow as I was falling I heard richie yell "WHAT THE FUCK!" which made me laugh a little bit once we where all in the water playing games richie swam under me to put me on his shoulders "CHICKEN FIGHT!" Richie yelled
After we got out of the water I was laying on a towel Eddie had packed for me listening to music I felt like eyes where watching me I looked over slightly through my sunglasses "Take a picture it will last longer!" Eddie yelled at Richie who was staring at my pale white body  "what longer than I lasted in your mom last weekend!" Richie came back with.
I sat up trying not to laugh
"Hey sweetheart we should be leaving if your staying at mine tonight" Richie said knowing that I'd get annoyed at the fact he said that infront of the guys the truth is Richie is the only one that knows my mother ignores me
"Really Rich!" I got up put my dress on and rode of.

(Richie's perspective)

I knew I messed up saying what I said
"Hey sweetheart we should be leaving if your staying at mine tonight" I said forgetting I'm was the only knew about her mother "Really Rich!" She said as she got dressed and rode away
"Amie wait in sorry!" I ran to my bike and rode after her but she was gone "guys we have to go look for her!" We all got on our bikes and rode away

(Amie's perspective)

I rode off in anger dropping my bike of at home right as I put it down a blue car pulled up and of course it had to be henry bowers "need a ride gorgeous?" He said stepping out of the car "No thanks bowers." I say speeding up my paste
"Oh come on Amie I know you want it!" He said running infront of me "no henry please stop." I said trying to get past him
"Oh sweet thing it doesn't work like that around here!" He grabbed me and through me into his car a drove away lucky for me I saw the boys riding towards us I banged on the glass window hoping to get there attention thank God Richie looked into the car

(Richie's perspective)

Me and the Losers where riding looking for Amie when I heard this loud thumping coming from the car ahead I looked into the window as it drove past and I saw Amie crying for our help I quickly turned my bike around and rode away following the car to a lake.
What I saw was horrible

(Amie's perspective)

Henry pulled me out of the car and dragged me down to the riverbank throwing me to the ground and getting onto me "now your going to give me what I want!" He said ripping my dress off my body "please henry stop!" I say crying "oh sweetheart we know you want it" he said putting his hand on my panties just as I lost all hope "HEY DOUCHBAG IM THE ONLY ONE THAT CAN CALL HER SWEETHEART!" A voice yelled from across the river a rock came flying and hit henry in the head I could see blood dripping from henry I looked over and Richie and the boys walked out of the scurb "what the fuck!" Henry shouted he picked up a rock
"ROCK WAR" Richie shouted right after he got hit by a rock "HEY NOT MY TRASH MOUTH YOU MULLET WEARING ASSHOLE!" I say having the strength to push henry and run across the river to the guys Stan and Bill pulled me up "y--you -ok Amie?!" Bill asked "im fine bill." I lied but I didn't want anyone else but Richie I ran over to him as he through his last rock at bowers I wrapped my arms around him as he pulled me into his chest he slowly fell to the ground holding me why the others through rocks at henry until he went away.
"It's okay Amie I have you now." Richie softly said stroking my hair and I softly cried. Richie picked me up and walked back to his bike with me in his arms not even bothering to say bye to the boys he gave me his hoodie and put it over my body he placed me on his bike got on and rode away as quickly as he could I don't remember opening my eyes the whole ride back I held onto Richie tighter then ever I rested my head on his back and slightly smiled.
Once we had reached Richie's house it seemed his mom was home so I wiped my warm tears away as we walked in
"Hi Mrs Tozier!" I say acting okay
"Oh hi dear!" She replied "hey m-mom can Amie stay over?" Richie asked closing the dark oak door and locking it "well of course she can I'll bring some fresh sheets up and I'll make the bed!" She said "thank you Mrs Tozier!" I say she was like a mother to me more than mine could ever be "please call my Dianne" she said blowing out her candle
Richie hated the fact his mom and I were close "okay okay come on Amie let's get you some fresh clothes." Richie said trying to pull me away from his mother we went upstairs to his bedroom

(Richie's perspective)

My mother and Amie where so close and it was kind of weird but anyway what just happened was crazy I felt so bad for Amie but I swear I heard her say "NOT MY TRASH MOUTH YOU MULLET WEARING ASSHOLE"
why my God knows but I pulled out a pair a sweatpants and handed them to  Amie "here you can wear these and sleep in the hoodie I you like " I say "thanks rich" she said quietly I left the bedroom and let her get dressed once she was dressed I came back up with some pasta and a bowl of salad that my mother had prepared
Word count: 1432

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