The Ambush

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"Y/N! Ah, shit! Ok... um, just breathe. Ash is almost here. " Yoshimitsu says.
"Get in!" Ash yells, firing off a few shots. I clamber into the backseat holding onto my shoulder and glancing at my leg.
"Where are we going?" "Hospital! She got shot!" Yoyo says. Ash floors it while Yoyo calls the rest of the gang. I'm focused on not bleeding all over the car.
"WHAT?! WHAT DO YOU MEAN Y/N GOT SHOT?!" I jump as I hear Sarah's voice through the phone.
Ash takes over. "Relax, please. We're on the way to the hospital now. Can you meet us there?" I hear Chance take the phone.
"We'll be there. Just be careful." " We will see you there." Ash hangs up. We arrive at the hospital shortly after the call ends. Ash gets out and carries me into the building.
"Doc! We've got an emergency!" I'm taken back and Ash and the others wait.
I pace back and forth tuning out the noise of both Sarah and Chance chewing Yoyo out. I keep looking up at the clock nervously. Finally, the Doctor comes out.
"Mr. Winters?" He asks. I look up. "How is she?" "Sadly, her left fibula and tibia were fractured. She'll have to stay here." "Can we see her?" Sarah asks. "Yes. Follow me." We all follow the doctor to her room. When we walk in she smiles.
"Hey everyone, sorry about ruining your plans..." I give up all pretense and rush over.
"Dammit! If I had just gotten there sooner or maybe gone with you, you wouldn't be in here." "Hey, this one's on me. Not you. " "Yoshimitsu, I don't blame you either. It's the bastard who set up the ambush who's to blame." "Then we find the bastard and take him out!" Sarah says angrily.
Chance places a hand on her shoulder.
"Believe me we will. They hurt a member of the family. Ash, I want you to stay here with Y/N. We'll check in every few days but I'm not resting until we find the guy who put Y/N in here and take him out!" "Just be careful, this guy is either really powerful or really rich. Keep your eyes open out there." I grab onto (Y/N)'s left hand.
"God I hate this, you didn't deserve to be in this damned bed!" "Hey, I'd rather it be me than one of you. Especially one of our bosses."

Welcome readers to the first part of this story! Sorry that its so short it'll get better, Special thanks to SarahBishop841 for letting me use her OC.
Love you guys, bye!
PS: I don't own gangsters in love Lovestruck does!

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