Chapter 16

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Nobody's pov:

"Dinah! Normani! Everyone get your buts up right now!" Ally yelled through the house. She yanked pillows from people sleeping in the living room and put them in a pile by the back yards sliding doors. "Wake the hell up!"

Normani sprung up from the couch hearing one of her best friends say 'hell's for the first time in a long time "ally!?! What's going on?!" Normai watched ally walk around the room pushing and poking at the others to wake up. Normani rubbed her eyes confused.

"Dinah! Dinah wake up! The boys are at the hospital!" Ally gently slapped dinahs face.

"My babies?!" Dinah jolted up from her deep sleep with heavy breathing. She looked around the house before frowning noticing she isnt at her house but then remembered why she was here.

"Not those. Yours are fine at your house. Bellamy and Kingston are gone" ally rushed over madison and shook her awake. "Madi wake up now!" Ally shook her

"Can y'all be quiet I'm trying to sleep" sofia snuggled closer to jade. On the other hand jade was rubbing her eyes to become more awake than she was two seconds ago.

"What's going on ally? Why are the boys at the hospital?" Finneas sat up and stood stretching his limbs. He rubbed his head watching sky run around the room.

"Dinah your... forehead. " jade pointed at the polynesian womans forehead with a small smile "it's funny how you didn't wake up" jade chuckled making sofia groan in annoyance.

Dinah grabbed the note and read it. "It says there at the hospital and we need to get there asap" dinah quickly stood up and rushed out of the living room into the bathroom.

"Where is she going?" Madison asked scratching her head and yawning afterwards.

"My guess is getting ready for the hospital. I brought my car, whoever's is ready in five minutes can come with me. I'll meet you at the hospital" finneas rubbed his eyes walking into the kitchen.

"What's wrong with them?" Sofia asked sitting up from the comfy spot on the carpet.

"I dont know." Normani shrugged.

"They wont answer my calls" ally groaned putting her phone away "I'll get the other girls upstairs. Get your asses up and get ready. We need to leave right now" ally pointed at the group before walking up the stairs faster than usual.


"Aha! I win this round Bellamy boy!" Kylie stuck her tongue out at her friend as she set down a few cards "right at 20. Cant beat that can you?"

Bellamy and kylie have been playing 21, the casino game, for the past half hour. Kingston, mason and Lindsey where talking about random stuff as they ate there breakfast the boys got them from the hospital cafeteria around at minutes ago. They didnt feel like eating bit they needed to, to get better.

"Fucking hell, ky" bellamy flipped his cards to find a 10 of hearts and a 3 of spades.

"You gonna get another one Bellamy boy?" She smirked at him. She knew she won this round and five before it but she mocked him with that smirk.

Bellamy reached for the stack of cards and grabbed the first one making a 9 of diamonds pop up when he layed it down. He stood up from his chair as he got a 22 instead of a 21. He lost this round. "Unbelievable! Kylie you are a damn cheater!"

"Am not! You just dont know how to play. I've been playing since i was 8. My dad and uncle taught me all the games from casino and I can win almost all of them" kylie smirked glancing over his shoulder to her girlfriend who had a small glare. "What babe?"

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