Page One: First Meet

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It was a good day, or at least that's what everyone thinks. You're wearing your best outfit out from your tiny little closet and your best shoes, a gift that you gave yourself after you received your first ever salary. Your confidence was on the max level when you left your house but the seconds you arrived on this place, it free-falls to the most bottom of any bottoms.

Everyone was dressing in pretty and stylist dresses. Their heels were shining and the glitters on them was so pretty. You're pretty sure that they did their nails too beforehand, because they're so shining and pretty. You frown even more and pulling your outer closer, feeling stood out even more and it's not even in a good way.

The gaze they were sending weren't friendly. No matter how many times you flash a smile, they'll just smirk at you and laughing at you while talking with one another. You feel like leaving this place already if you weren't thinking about the purpose of you to come here at first place.

Talk about the purpose, the familiar voice distracts you from your thoughts and there they are. They walk in the room and waving at you, at all of you. Of course.

Gone now all the insecurities and frowns. All you have to offer now is silly grins with eye-smiles.

"Stop showing that face. It's disgusting. Oppa will throw up at the view." A small whisper reached your ear and you frown almost instantly.

Why people can't be happy for each other? that's what you always thought.

"Welcome guys. Congratulations for get chosen to this personal fan-meet and greet once again! You're really the lucky 12 to be in here! So let me remind you briefly again. Enjoy your time but don't cross the limit. We wouldn't hesitate to take any legal action if your behaviour cross the line. Now let's be happy together, should we?" The MC start and everyone start to cheers.

You thought that everything is going to be okay after this. At least you got to meet them, your inspiration, your muse and him, your crush. It's sound a bit off for some people to crushing on a celebrity but well, you can't control feelings, do you?

After a brief greeting from the boys, the queue was starting and since this was a personal one, each fan received longer moments than that basic fan-meet. You don't even have any idea how could you get pick. You're not even rich but you guess, maybe it's all based on luck.

Soon enough, you were in front of HIM.

"Taehyung." He flashes you a warm smile and you lost in your own wonderland. It feels like only seconds past but the next thing you know, you're already got moved to the next member, Jungkook.

It's really proven that time do a little cheat to move faster when you were enjoying them.

It took you a blink and you already sitting back on the seat. Sighing internally, you can't believe the most awaited moment of your life just passed like that. Universe is weird.

Oh, it indeed weird.

You remember you saw an unusual scene of Eunseo, the one who spat rude comment on you earlier, clinging into Taehyung right after she finished her turn. Even when you were talking to Jungkook, she came back to Taehyung's side and keep holding his arm close while talking to him. Taehyung looked uncomfortable but you wonder why none of the staff stop her from doing so. Now that the last fan was the only one talking to Jungkook, you notice how she look toward Eunseo and Taehyung with uneasy gaze.

"Eunseo, let's go back together." She flashed her a smile but Eunseo didn't seem to be happy about it.

"Go back alone then, stop clinging to me. I know your intention. I still want to talk with oppa." Eunsoo increases her voice which makes the other girl feel uncomfortable. You feel bad for her.

Now that you think about it, seems like the other fans was trying to be nice with her because she's rich and pretty but she's nothing but being meanie at them.

"Eunseo, why would you shout at her like that? Just go back already, it might be uncomforta- ARGH!"

I should stop interfering in other's issue. Damn, it hurts.

Illicit Affair 《 KTH, JJK 》✓Where stories live. Discover now