Page Twenty Two: thief of your heart

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"No, let's stay like this for a while."
"I have to g-"
"Noona, please. Why are you sad? Did I do something that hurt you?"
"Kook, please let go. I don't want you to get any scandal."
"Not until you tell me what's wrong."
"There's nothing wrong but soon there will be if you still refuse to let me go." Her last sentence makes my grip loosened on her.

Never in my life I want her to feel uncomfortable around me. "I'm sorry, Noona. I just-"

"That's okay. Drive safe, okay. Good night." She pats my hair softly and flash me a little smile which I gladly return before she gets off my car. I watched her get in her building before driving back to dorm.

I was still thinking about it when I reached the living room in our dorm, Jimin hyung was sitting there with his hand holding the game controller and eyes glued to the TV screen.

"Hyung, can I ask you something?" I asked him while watching him playing.

"What is it?" He throws the question back, still focusing on the game.

"So earlier, I-" my words halted in the middle as Tae hyung walked in the living room, eyes on me with unexplainable gaze. It's always like that since that day. "Just come into my room after you done playing, yeah?" I changed my mind immediately and Jimin who notice the situation just agreed without further question.

Not long after that, I was sitting on the edge of my bed drying my wet hair when Jimin hyung knock my door and come in after I let him.

"So, what is it, Jungkookie? Is it about Noona?" He asked soon once he place his ass on the bed beside me.

"How could you know?" I widened my eyes, eyeing him.

"You stopped immediately once Taehyung appear. What it could be?" He chuckles, did I be too obvious?

"Yeah, you're right. So, you know I gave her a ride back home. But before we managed to get in the car, Sowon stopped us."

"Sowon as in, the one who's been crushing on Tae?" He asked, immediately know who I talked about. I ended up tell him everything and he keeps silent listening to me until I finished.

"I just, don't know what I did wrong but I could see that she's sad and I feel so bad because I can't do anything about it. Do you have any idea what makes her sad or what I d-"

"She's sensitive about her age." A deep voice cut me off and I saw him leaning on my door frame, Tae hyung. "She's already insecure enough when she hangs out with me and the fact that you're even younger than me must be makes her feel worst."

"What do you mean? I never mention anything about our age gap." I focus on his words and forget about the fact he just eavesdropping our conversation.

"You didn't but Sowon did it.  Knowing how insecure and overthinking she is, she might question unnecessary things now. You should have-" He halt in the middle and flash me a little, smile? Or is that a smirk. "I wouldn't tell you more about what you should do. Emilee deserved someone who knows how to comfort her. So I'll just tell you this, as your fellow band's member." And with that he left me dumbfounded. Clearly, he's still butthurt about me and her.

"Hey, Kook. Don't overthink about it. Just talk to her tomorrow right. Everything will be alright, okay?" Jimin tried to comfort me and I couldn't say anything but hope for the same thing.

The next day,

I woke up earlier than usual because I can't sleep well. She ignored my calls and texts which makes me growing more anxious. So, I decided to talk to her this morning but something unexpected happen.

"What do you mean she's taking day off?" I almost losing my temper when I heard the news from her company.

"She came here earlier to apply for her leave and you came right after she left."

That was the last news I heard about her. She never replies to any of my texts nor my calls. I've been missing her so much that I decided to go to her apartment. She once told me the password so I can get in easily. Yeah, obviously she's not home.

I look around to learn how silence it was but it makes me feel better. It makes me feel less lonely. I tried to call her again and that's when I realize she left her phone in her room. I walk to her bedroom and found it on her desk.

"You really don't want anyone to checking up on you, huh?" I laughed at myself before I slide into her phone, she has my birthdate as her password. How cute.

Slowly, I sat on her bed and unknowingly lay down while playing with her phone. Tae hyung's words left impression on me. He makes me realize that loving her isn't enough. I wanted to learn about her and know more about her, everything about her.

Few hours later, I found myself wake up on the same bed. Seems like I fell asleep while going through her gallery. Sniffing the bedsheets a little, I smile at the smell that lingering on my clothes now because I've been laying there and hugging her pillow. Her scents are all over me, I miss her.

"Guess you left me with no choice but waiting for you in here, Noona."


A Week Later,

You decided to come back home earlier than your plans. There's no emergency but you just feel like it, or more like the thoughts of your panic boyfriend haunts you every night, you miss him too. After the elevator take you to your floor, you walk to your apartment and hit the password before get inside.

Feeling tired from the trip, you were about heading to kitchen to get some water but a noise from somewhere inside the bedroom distract you.

"Who's that? Did I misheard it?" You whisper slowly and grabbing a baseball bat just in case while walking to your bedroom.

You place your ears near the bedroom door and you're right. The noise comes from inside. Someone is in your bedroom and your grip on the baseball bat grow tighter as you expect the worst. Open the door in a blink, you were expecting a thief or something and you're right.

Jeon Jungkook, the thief of your heart.

Standing with his big doe eyes looking at you as if you're a ghost. It feels like the time freeze inside the room. With you and your baseball bat ready to hit the thief while the thief was having his towel wrap dangerously low on his slim waist and his wet messy hair decorating his sharp eyebrow. Slowly a smirk rose up from his lips and that's when you turn around in a blink.

"I-I'm s-sor-sorry. I-I don't k-know you're h-her-e." but before you could run away, a pair of muscular arms back hug you tightly, as if they knew you would run away if they loosen up a little. "I miss you like crazy." He whispers near your ears makes you feel things and his manly scents that fills your nostrils instantly was not helping at all.

"K-Kook, wear your clothes first, then w-we can talk." you stuttered trying to escape from his tight grip but who are you to release yourself from his muscle arms?

"Why? Did I make you flustered, carrot? Don't you like what you see?" you can feel him smirking from his tone as he landed a peck on your neck. "Don't you think you need a punishment for ignoring me and leaving without any word, huh?"

"Jeon Jungkook, you're aware that I'm holding a baseball bat, right?"

"So what? You know I can play it rough too."


A/N: not trying to give a spoiler but a drama will happen soon before the ending comes by :p it will come faster than you thought :)

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