1. Break A Leg, Sid

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Now this one, it's hurts my leg just by looking at it and Sid, I hope he's happy with where he is right now.

In WCW, Sid was in a match and before he even thought about his being, he did his signature big boot off the middle rope like he always did, but instead of landing safely on his other leg like he used to, his other leg snapped in half.

It became a meme in and of itself and it was so horrifying that everyone would remember it for years to come and Sid would just look at it and be like, "Oh, that's weird. It's supposed to be straight right? Oh well, I'm fucked."

He got a ton of medical help that made him retire from the ring years later because of problems in his leg.

Sid, you are one psychotic motherfucker!

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