Chapter 1

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As Robyn made her way through the crowded hallway to look for her best friend, Nikolas, she began breathing heavily. She despised crowded places, a little bit like her father you could say. Besides the point, Nikolas was nowhere to be found, it didn't help the fact that he was quite short in size. Her breathing began to get intense as she was thrown from side to side from secondary school kids rushing to their lessons. Students pushed past her as they bombarded her with fear. Robyn clutched her black and white checkered vans bag for dear life before she finally spotted a blonde-haired boy with another girl. A girl? She tried to call for his name, but it was too late. She fell to the ground. It was after she fell that everyone had begun to let her have some air. It was now that everyone had made a pathway for her. 'Great' she thought.

When Robyn opened her eyes, she blinked a few times before adjusting to the light. It became dimmer as she got used to it. She had soon come to understand she was in the nurse's office. "M-M-Miss Evans. Why am I here?" asked a confused Robyn.

"Oh. I thought you would have known. You uhm you passed out. I was going to call your parents and ask them if you needed the hospital but your friend umm..., Nikolas I think his name was, he said that it happened often and that you are quite claustrophobic."

"Wow. That was a lot to take in but thanks. And can I go now?"

"Yeah sure."

As the lost girl made her way through the corridor, she remembered what had happened. Fortunately, it was not as crowded as before. She soon caught on that it was lunch and made her way to the dining hall. 'hopefully, I stay awake to say hi to him this time' she thought to herself as she smiled, probably looking like a weirdo to anyone looking at her. She finally found her best friend and went to sit with him. When she got there, she saw the same girl who she had seen this morning, sitting with Nikolas. Before she made assumptions and judged her, she had to meet her. So, with a confident smile, she went up to her friend from behind and hugged him as she covered his eyes.

"Hmm who could it be," Nikolas sarcastically thought out loud. Robyn laughed and made her way in front of Nikolas. "Hey, Nik!"

"Hey Rob, this is Amy-" began Nik.

"Amy West" interrupted Amy, as she held out her hand to shake. Robyn took her hand but instantly regretted it. Her palms were as sweaty and covered in something that looks somewhat like splinters but weirder. A bit like warts. Robyn regretted her thought; she was not one to dislike or backtalk someone, but this person was weird AND hanging out with her best friend. Thrown back into reality she blinked getting used to the lighting again. She had to stop dazing out of the real world. As she thought this, she also thought about how she would rather live in her own world and that...

Robyn vigorously shook her head probably getting weird looks from others. " Hi, I'm Robyn Windsor. What you just experienced was me dreaming about-"

"Nik are we still going to the cinema after school?" Asked Amy. Robyn blinked her eyes questioningly then stared at this girl. ' Who did she think she was to walk in here and make plans WITH my best friend WITHOUT me. Before I could say anything, Nik did.'

"I can't I'm going over to Robs for dinner tonight. But tomorrow for sure. You should come too." Declared Nikolas nodding at Rob. Annoyed, frustrated ad determined to get rid of Amy, she said yes anyway. Smirking she looked over at Amy just in time to catch her roll her eyes. "Also, Nik, would you mind coming over a bit early there's something I want to tell you." Asked Robyn.

Nikolas grinned "You didn't have to ask I was going to anyway."

"Thanks, I got to get to class see you after school!" she exclaimed unexpectedly emerging from her moody shell.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2021 ⏰

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