Saving the day

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Claudia's POV

Me and fin haven't left each other side side since he came back to LA with Luna and Dani we have been going out to dinner and cute dates and stuff today I had a bad vibe and it's weird cause me and Luna have this connection like we've known each other our whole lives 

Fin: hey baby

C: hey baby

Fin kisses me

F: you okay 

C: yeah I just have a bad feeling about today and I don't know why

F: okay then we could just stay home and play with peaches or watch movies and I could paint the room that's gonna be for the twins okay

Fin kisses my head

C: okay babe let's draw and sketch and find what we are gonna do so we could know what we are painting

Finneas decided to go up stairs to do i don't know why but I stayed down stairs a car pulled up near the house and I was gonna go up stairs till someone touched means gripped me down I yelled 

C: ahhhhhhh finneas help me 

They wrapped something around my mouth and sat me on the couch and I was scared the person looked at me they had black and pink hair it was Q one off Billie's friends he started to touch me not sexually but he touched me 

Q: I'm sorry I have to do this to you but you already know since Billie and Luna aren't here I have to take you

I started to cry and he saw finneas

F: Brandon what the hell are you doing here

I got a chance tell him what I needed 

C: fin run call Billie and tell her to pass the phone to Luna she knows what to do I love you I promise I'll come back but RUN!!!

He took off running and didn't look back the only person that could know where I am is Luna cause we have like this twin telepathy shit even tho we aren't twins and Brandon when to look in every room for Luna and Billie 

My mind and Luna 

C: Luna help me Brandon is here and I'm scared help me

L: I'm on my way where are you 

C: I'm at home and Brandon is walking around looking for you and billie

L: I'll be there as fast as I can

Luna's POV

We where all sitting at the couch and I heard Claudia 

C: Luna help me Brandon is here and I'm scared help me

L: I'm on my way where are you

C: I'm at home and Brandon is walking around looking for you and billie

L: I'll be there as fast as I can

I saw Billie get up and she was on the phone with fin cause I could read her mind and heard what was going on 

B: fin what's up

F: Billie help

B: what's wrong what's going on

F: Brandon....he took Claudia


I took the phone from Billie 

L: fin we'll be there in 5

hung up the the call

L: y'all already know what to do

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