ISFP Traits

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In this chapter, I'll be listing common ISFP traits that most, if not all ISFPs will relate to.

🌝Very Arbitrary

🌚All About Mood (if they're not in the mood for something they simply won't do it and procrastinate on it unless they really have to do it. Mood effects ISFPs A LOT.

🌝Creative (don't always have to be artistically creative can be musically creative, articulately creative, verbally creative, audibly creative, literarily (THAT SAYS LITERARILY AS IN LITERATURE AND LITERACY NOT THE WORD LITERALLY), and so on.

🌚Artistic in some way shape or form, if they don't practically show it they'll show it through tokens or items that have deep meanings to them. These items will be kept due to their meanings.

🌝Likes being in touch with their Extraverted Sensing (their sense of reality), don't like losing touch of them. So they usually don't like getting lost in a book unless their environment or reality isn't pleasant then they'll actually like getting lost in a book, and why they don't like daydreaming.

🌚 Can't daydream for the life of them. Even if someone held a gun to the side of their head and ordered them to daydream or they'll shoot. They still wouldn't be able to. Which brings me on to the next bullet-point:

🌝 Are always in the PRESENT. Have a hard time planning or thinking about he future. Don't like dwelling back at the past, would rather be in the present moment (unless they're looking at baby pics ehehe)

🌚 Their temper is like a volcano; it is a spontaneous eruption that happens suddenly at once and then immediately goes away after they've lashed out; leaving them (rarely) in tears (if they're that angry), or just leaving them upset but not angry.

🌝 Like art with meaning.

🌚 Always seem to desire more freedom than they have.

🌝Thinking about the future in terms of their career or anything to do with the future like reaching old age, marriage, jobs, what they want to do with their lives before they die - all of these things can make an ISFP emotional and insecure because their inferior function is Extraverted Thinking; which makes them insecure about their future. (I personally remember last year in early 2020 when I was discussing my career and got emotional for some weird reason. Then I remember in late 2020 or maybe this year I'm not sure, discussing something else about the future and got emotional for some strange reason. It's so weird, honestly.) such a strange insecurity to have.

🌚More often than not ISFPs are obsessed with literal art, creating literal art, or literature-art and music. (Don't judge me lol). - Quite obsessed with one or two of the three arts and quite obsessed with music.

🌝 They have Introverted Intuition; and so their gut feeling is always right (IT'S SOO TRUE!! When I'm doing Kahoot! quizzes my initial guess always ends up being right! It's freaking me out!)

🌚 Are good at engineering and fixing things (so I've heard. Must have been wear my Lego obsession as a child stemmed from)

🌝 Imaginative. Too imaginative. (Oh yeah like that time I went to throw away some trash in our bins at night and it was pitch dark and imagined someone creeping up behind me to knock me out and then kidnap me - yeah. What fun times. Other times I imagine killer clowns behind me intending to do God knows what. Hey, at least our imaginations let us write amazing books, amirite?)

🌚 Like aesthetically pleasing things (I watched this video by an MBTI YouTuber in which he pretended to be an ISFP and made himself get an exercise bike and just prop it there in the background of his house just because it looked good he said that he wasn't actually going to use it)

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