Chapter 4

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Jay's P.O.V.

The smile that I had on my face when I came into the precinct was soon replaced with a frown when Voight came in with a case almost immediately as I walked up the stairs. It was now six, and we were nowhere near closing the case. That meant that I was going to have to cancel, and I was not happy about it. Especially when she texted back "Ok, stay safe." What did that mean? I didn't know her that well. I couldn't really think about it because of the case, and my phone just rang.
"Halstead" It was Platt.
"Halstead get down here. You have a visitor." I couldn't ask who it was because she outright hung up. I go down the stairs to see Elena talking with Trudy, with Platt holding a wrap and a coffee in her hands. Elena was holding a paper bag in one hand.
"Hey, what are you doing here?" I gave her a side hug, and kept my arm around her shoulders. It was nice to see her, especially when dealing with this case.
"I figured since you had a case I'd bring you guys dinner, and some good coffee."
"You didn't have to do that." She was the literal best.
"It's nothing, but I need your hands to carry one of the holders for the coffee. It's in my car." She grabs one of my hands with her free hand before pulling me towards her car. When we get there I see two carriers filled with coffee cups.
"You really didn't have to do this."
"Jay it's nothing. Believe me I basically grew up in the FBI Field Office in Quantico and the coffee there sucks. Besides I'm testing a theory." While she was saying this I grabbed one of the cup holders and she got the other before we turned to start to walk back to the precinct.
"Oh really and what's that? Making sure I wasn't bailing." Elena faked a hurt look before laughing slightly.
"For your information Detective that thought never crossed my mind, and it's not my place to say." Was she really gonna play that card? I didn't really think about this before I said it.
"Come on we're practically dating." Oh shit. I didn't mean to say that. I wasn't really sure what we were.
"Yeah and? Jay 'practically dating' does not mean I am going to tell you everything."
"Oh and would I get any more if that practically was gone?" Elena stopped walking on the precinct steps to turn towards me.
"How are you gonna do that?" Crap. I didn't know what that meant so I guess I should go with my gut.
"Could I be guilty of having the pleasure of having a date with you tomorrow night?"
"It's not directly involving you." With that she turned, and started walking again.
" that a yes?" Elena was already at the Intelligence stairs waiting for me.
"Yep Detective. I get off at the same time as yesterday." I didn't say anything else because we were basically up the stairs. When we reached the top everyone, except Voight, turned toward us. Kim's eyes lit up when she saw the coffee cups.
"Is that good coffee?" She came right over, along with everyone else, and took the cup holder from Elena to set it on the nearest desk. We followed suit with the other holder and the paper bag Elena was holding.
"Yep, your names are on your coffee, and I got a variety of wraps." Everyone started to swarm the desk to get food, and after Elena forced me to tell Voight about the food, I was able to pull her over to my desk. Once everyone was situated I noticed that Elena's eyes were on Kim, who had just taken a sip of her coffee and went immediately for another. Elena smiled slightly before turning towards me.
"Do I get to know what that was about?"
"Nope. I'll let you figure it out...Anyway I should probably get going since I start shift at 5 tomorrow morning."
"I'll walk you to your car." After everyone said their byes and thank yous, and Elena whispered something into Kim's ear that made her blush, I walked her to her car. Once we got there I found myself not wanting her to leave.
"Thanks again for the food and coffee."
"No problem Detective." She started to get into the driver's seat, but I stopped her, and pulled her into a kiss.
"And thank you for coming here. This case really sucks.
"Oh I'm sure. Before my dad got into the politics of the job my mom used to drop me off at the office after a case to brighten the office up a bit."
"I'm sure you did an amazing job." I knew this was more serious because of the forced smile that she had on when she was talking about her dad.
"Yeah all of the members of his team were basically my aunts and uncles."
"Do you still talk to them?" I didn't know if I was pushing it, but I wanted to see how much she trusted me.
"I run into them from time to time, and two of them work with Caleb. Only one of them still talks with my dad that I know of. I'm closer to them than my dad ever was."
"It's good that you're still close with them." I think I might've pushed a little too much because she seemed to pause slightly. I don't know what it was, but I just wanted to protect her.
"Yeah...well anyway I really should get going. I'll see you tomorrow."
"Yeah...see you tomorrow." Before she got into her car she pressed her lips onto mine before pulling away quickly and whispering,
"Night Detective." I whisper back good night, and then she gets into her car, and drives off. While walking back to Intelligence I don't bother with Platt because she's switching between glaring at a patrol officer, and eating the wrap Elena had brought her. The two things I know after today is that Elena has easily found a path to the team's heart, and I better plan a pretty damn good date...Oh and that I need to figure out what her "theory" is, and that I should try to never get on her bad side. She is manipulative when she wants to be.

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