Chapter one

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Authors note:
As Player's real name is not shown in the series so his parents (and Cynthia) will call him Player but just think they are calling him by his real name as I can't image Player's parents ( and Cynthia) calling him player.
Knock knock. " Hey Player come eat like a normal person ," Cynthia said as she opened Player's door to his room and got a shot of blue light from Player's computer setup. "Arghh!" Player groaned as he grumpily got out of his chair and said that he had to go to Carmen. "Oh ok, see you soon," Carmen said as Player ended his call and turned of his monitor and shut the door to his room.

"Ahh Player what have you been doing in that cave of yours," Player's Mum said looking at Player suspiciously. "Ahh.....nothin really," he said as he ran down the stairs and jumped into his self proclaimed chair. "Well me and your mother were thinking that you spend to long in your room all day and we think that you should start attending a public school with Cynthia ," Player's Dad said looking at Player and then to Cynthia. "What no! I can't!" Player moaned thinking about what Red would think. "Don't worry you will have Cynthia to look after you," Player's Mum said as Cynthia chuckled. "It's not funny," Player said as he stormed back to his room.

Knock knock "Player?" Player's Mum said as she opened the door to Player's room. "Yeah," he said grumpily as he sat on his bed doodling in his notebook. "You know it's not that bad, you can make new friends learn something other than how to do stuff on your computer," she said looking over at Player's setup. "I've already got friends!" Player said annoyed as he couldn't really talk about Carmen,Shadowsan,Zack or Ivy.
"Well I've brought you some food if you want it?" Player's Mum suggested as she put a bowl of Nachos on Player's bed as she walked out of the room. "Thanks Mum," Player said as he smiled as she closed the door.

The next day
"Red, I have Intel that VILE'S planning a meet and greet with someone who calls herself Madame Goldlove," Player said on a call with Carmen. "There's a name. Think they might be meeting to discuss, oh, I don't know? The gold that vanished from that German bank a few weeks back?" Carmen said. "Bingo. The meet's happening in the German state of Bavaria. Exactly 24 hours from now during first...period," "First period?" "There is something I need to tell you Red. Mum and dad decided I spend way too much time alone in my room, which means goodbye, home school, and hello public school." " That...may take some getting used to," "Or not. Phone, laptop,tablet. I plan on staying connected," "I appreciate that, Player, but really school comes first." "Says the drop - out," " Crime school doesn't count, and you know I'm all about education," "Ha! Well, can't be late on my first day. I'll book you a flight from the school bus." Player said as he ended the call with Carmen and turned off his computer.

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