Chapter 2

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Thoughts in italics

"Stupid Mum and Dad saying I have to go to a public school," Player said kicking a stone at his shoes then realising that it hit a shady figure in the corner of a dark alleyway. "Oh sorry," Player said embarrassed as the figure took out something from his coat. Suddenly as the object came into view he realised it was a gun. Suddenly Player realised what was happening. Gunshots rang out through the neighbourhood as police soon arrived to the scene as the horn of police cars rang out throughout the city.

Cynthia Bourchard jumped onto her local school bus as her phone rang thats werid she thought as she took out her phone and answered it. "What-t-t no-o-o-o" Cynthia said shaking as the police explained that Player was dead. She started crying, big tears rolling down her checks as she ran back to her house.

Cynthia burst into her house and ran up to her room and cried in the corner. Her brother, dead. After a while there was a ring tone coming from Player's room. With nothing else to do Cynthia slowly walked into Player's room. Normally Player would kill me if I went into his room Cynthia thought as she spotted that the call was coming from his computer setup by a person named Carmen. "Hello?" Cynthia said shaking "Who is this?" a young woman on the line answered "Cynthia Bourchard, Who are you?!" Cynthia said " Why are you in Player's room?" the woman said. "Well...he i-s-s k-k-kinda d-d-dead," Cynthia said still in shock "what-t-t no-o-o-o" Carmen said. "And I'm his sister," Cynthia said as the call ended and she was in the dark, agian.

Soon Cynthia decided to call her Mum to come home and tell her the news. Though she already knew and was on her way home. "It's truly horrible news Cynthia you know I am always here for you,"Cynthia ' s friend Amber said over the phone. "I know it's just- I don't know what to do," Cynthia said "Oh I got to get to class sorry Cynthia," Amber said as the call ended.

Suddenly as the call ended Cynthia heard what sounded like muffled crying coming from the living room. That's strange she thought as she walked down the stairs and grabbed her skateboard as a weapon. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2021 ⏰

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