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//Catra's Pov//

When I get back to our dorm Adora is gone. I text Lonnie to go get the supplies I need while I set up the dorm. After about 15 minutes Lonnie shows up with the stuff I asked her to get. 

"What is all this for?" Lonnie says as she sets the bags down on the table.

"I have to make up to Adora. And this is what Sparkles and I came up with." I say as I start to take everything out of the bags.

"Do you need my help?" Lonnie says she stands next to me watching me franticly. 

"Uh.. No I think I got this. Thank you for getting everything fro me. My wallets on the counter, take however much I owe you." I say as I start to place things around the room.

"Nah don't worry about it. I'll catch you later at practice." Lonnie says before leaving my dorm.

I forgot that the football players and cheerleaders practice at the same time at the field. Adora will see me as a cheerleader. Panic shoots down my spine but I shake it off and finish setting everything up. I run into my room and put on a nice burgundy polo and a pair of non-ripped black skinny jeans. As soon as I am done changing I hear the front door start to open. I walk out and see Adora stand-in there teary eyed.

//Adora's Pov//

After Glimmer and I finish talking I head back to my dorm to cool down before practice. Luckily the only classes I had today were the two lectures with my moms. I get back to my dorm and can't believe my eyes when I open the door. There are candles lit everywhere and flower petals on the ground. There's a bouquet of flowers sitting on the table, as my eyes wonder around the room I see Catra walk into the doorway. My eyes begin to water with a mix of emotions. Anger because what if this isn't for me and it's for Athena. Sadness because if Catra really did all this for Athena then what am I to Catra. And hope, hope that this is for me and not someone else. Catra walks towards me looking nicely cleaned up. She picks the flowers up from the table and hands them to me.

"This- this is for me?" I say as a single tear falls down my cheek.

"Oh course dummy." She says giving me a soft smile. "Adora. I am so sorry. I don't want to be with Athena. I don't want anything to do with her." She says as she leads me to the couch.

We sit down and honestly I am at a loss for words. I can tell Catra is growing anxious waiting for me to respond. Before I could say anything her phone goes off, she goes to check it. I glance at her screen and all the excitement I had for fixing everything vanishes. The text was from Athena she said she can't wait to see her tonight with a winky face. What the actual fuck.

//Catra's Pov//

Of course she would text me right now. I glance down at my phone and I swear my soul leaves my body.

Athena: Can't wait to see you tonight ;)

Catra: What the actual fuck are you talking about

Athena: At practice silly 

I look back up and I can see the anger in Adora's eyes. She must have seen the text too. Great now I look like a liar.

"Adora. I can explain." I begin to say but she's not listening to me.

"I am such an idiot." She whispers to herself. "I thought things would be different this time but clearly nothing has changed." She says as she throws the flowers on the ground and begins to walk away. 

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