Where's he?

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She woke up to the early birds chirping, she checked her clock, “6:37” she let out a small grunt. She got up stretching her limbs among the bed and yawned while walking towards her closet. She opened it and grabbed her uniform, quietly putting it on, then her socks, shoes and grabbing a hair tie on the way downstairs, she grabbed her headphones off the counter and placed them on. She sat on the couch upright while watching him cross her and sit next to her putting an arm around her shoulder,she relaxed as she listened to music,resting her eyes. Soon enough her phone rang, she shot up and turned the alarm off then,  rushing to the door she grabbed her keys and walked out leaving him by himself among the empty house. Humming softly she walked among the lensed pavement of the ground, staring forward and into gardens and yards and yards of beautiful grass and couples holding hands, loving and cherishing each other with each small smile to their significant other.
“Oh, hey you Ko! haha! “ some girls had called out, across the street from sakura, walking at her pace.
“Where’s your little boyfriend? Huh? Oh right i forgot you never had one!” They all laughed stupidly as she stayed across from them, yet they kept throwing insults at her non-stop as she walked .
“It’s not like she’ll get a boyfriend, she’s so hideous and disgusting, i mean look at her hair, and--are those headphones?- they look so old!"
" Pfft- always a loser!!~” They all kept joking  and picking at her the entire time on the way to school.
“Sheesh, she's so boring, never talks, never goes out, never going on dates, how damn lame.” They said one last time as they rushed off to their classes.
“Yeah...don't worry..i know…” she quietly thought to herself, as she moved her headphones, and placed them into her bag while walking into her homeroom class, she then took her seat at the back of the class, and took out her notebook.
“Welcome back class! Turn your textbooks to page 179, and begin reading for the next 15 minutes before the quiz!” The teacher said as he began writing some more page numbers on the board and some questions.
“Sir. I have a question, ehem, those of us that don't care enough to be here, can they just leave? Like sakura for example she's always doodling in your class! She doesn't even pay attention! So there’s no point in her being here.” One of the girls in the front protested.
“ She has the best grades in the class, and this coming from a student who has an F to C average in my class, it seems like YOU want to leave my class, so go ahead and head into the dean's office.
“Ugh, no fair! I said it was a question!” The girl fought.
“And like I said, it sounded like a confession. Now skedaddle out of my class and hurry, we don't have all day to deal with this.” The teacher said, sounding quite annoyed.
“Ugh!” She yanked her stuff off the desk and stormed out the classroom slamming the door. I quietly stayed in place just copying the notes off of the book. I heard the rest of the students mumbling about me, But I just ignored it the best I could.

“RIIIIIINNG!” About after an hour and a half the bell rang and we turned in our tests and left for our next classes, soon throughout the day after about 3 hours of classes we finally got to PE and had to change into our gym clothes.
“Ew look at her, her hair is so messy and she didn't even bother trying to look nice” Some of the girls said while passing me as  i had put my hair in a ponytail and cleansed my face before coming out, I had been wearing  shorts and a sleeveless t-shirt.
“Alright class. 20 push-ups now! And after that I will introduce you to someone.” Coach said as we got down and began doing our exercises and then our push-ups. We had then begun to count each push-up in unison as our couch watched us.
“20!”We cried out in unison and step stretching and cracking a few fingers.
“Good job,now, come on in!” The coach yelled.
“Oh!” A boy quickly came into the gym immediately looking into my eyes and smiling then standing at the front.
“Well, introduce yourself boy.” Coach said it quite strictly.
“Ah, right! Hi! My names hinata izaoii" The boy introduced.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2021 ⏰

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