Just Kisses.

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The assassins made their way out as they perceived the dark aura surrounding the invader. No one had any intention of stopping her, they well knew their orders to let her pass freely through Nanda Parbat. Furthermore, they weren't foolish enough to get in the way of an enraged half demon.

The leader of the League of Assassins would personally take care of her.

Raven gave disinterested glances at the skillful shadows trying to hide from her in the hallways. The reason for her visit to Nanda Parbat was not related to them, but to their sovereign and the front page of the Daily Planet in her grip.

"Where is he?" Raven stopped one of the assassins with her magic before could hide.

"In his chambers."

The assassin barely managed to tell as Raven released him to keep up her way. The woman's mind focused on remembering the path that would take her to the room of the new Ra's Al Ghul.

Damian Al Ghul inherited the title of Ra's Al Ghul, and an entire empire of assassins from his grandfather more than three years ago. He was a new challenge for the Titans and a new personal headache for Raven.

She still couldn't explain how, even after deadly battles between the Titans and the League of Assassins, Damian Al Ghul ended up becoming her secret lover, or something like that, Raven was still confused by the status of her relationship with that man. .

But, encounters between a Titan and the more recent Ra's Al Ghul existed. Supposed enemies who constantly fell before the tension of passion to forget the reality of their worlds and focus on their mere existence consuming under a river of sheets.

Raven's headache was based on how much she enjoyed those encounters, especially when each have helped her to learn new aspects of Damian's personality, awakening new feelings that made her realize that her attraction for him went further than a sexual desire.

Determined steps brought her to the demon's head room. While there, nothing stopped her from opening the door with her powers, making a dramatic and scandalous entrance. However, the man sitting at the huge desk inside didn't even flinch at the sudden invasion.

"Raven." Damian greeted, unsurprised to see her. "What are you doing here?."

The cynicism in his voice made her grind her teeth, Damian knew exactly how to hit her nerves. He was aware of why Raven was invading Nanda Parbat in the middle of the night and the proof of it was in her hand.

"Explain this." Raven tossed the newspaper on the desk.

Relaxed, Damian got up and with the newspaper in hands walked to her. He only wore a pair of pants, and it surprised Raven how no longer seemed strange to see him without that green tunic full of golden tones that demonstrated his power among his minions.

That bare golden skin in shinning in the darkness gave interesting flashbacks to her mind, but this was no time to get lost in fond memories of their past encounters.

"'Valuable magic item stolen from Gotham Museum as a declaration of love'." Damian raised an eyebrow as he read the newspaper aloud. "An excellently written article, Lois Lane is a talented writer."

"Seriously, are you just going to say that?"

"What else is there to say?" He continued as he tossed the newspaper in the trash, the pouting grin on his lips a blatant mockery.

"Ugh... Azar, I'm so tempted to kill you right now, but I really need my book back. Where is it? "

"I do not know what are you talking about."

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